The Gospel of John "That You Might Believe" Chp 3
John 3:1-21 Ye Must Be Born Again
(Audio Pod Cast Link)
(PowerPoint Slides)
Nicodemus Comes to Jesus
What kind of ruler was Nicodemus?
He was a member of the Sanhedrin, the council the governed
the Jewish people.
The supreme judicial and administrative council of the
Jews. This council is supposed to have
originated among the Jews when they were under the domination of the Syrian
kings in the time of the Maccabees. This "council" is referred to
simply as the "chief priests and elders of the people" Mt
26:3,47,57,59 27:1,3,12,20 etc. The Sanhedrin is said to have consisted of
seventy-one members, the high priest being president. They were of three
classes, 1. the chief priests, or heads of the twenty-four priestly courses 1Ch
24:1ff 2. the scribes, and 3. the elders. As the highest court of
judicature, "in all causes and over all persons, ecclesiastical and civil,
supreme," its decrees were binding, not only on the Jews in Palestine, but
on all Jews wherever scattered abroad.
Was Nicodemus sincere in his words to Jesus?
Yes. He seems to be
very sincere?
Why do you think he came by night?
Jesus had caused great controversy in upsetting the money
changers and doing miracles in Jerusalem. Nicodemus was being careful because
of his position.
Jesus seems to abruptly change the subject from
introductions to the spiritual. Why do you think he did this?
Jesus can see men’s heart, as John told us in the last
chapter. He knows the real reason
Nicodemus is here and uses his opening words to begin speaking of heavenly
things. Nicodemus says he recognizes Jesus as being from God but Jesus says he
can’t even see spiritual things except he be born again.
What does Nicodemus think Jesus is speaking of?
A literal physical rebirth.
In verse 5 how does Jesus explain the new birth?
He compares it with the first birth, one of water and one of
the Spirit.
In verse 8, how is the new, spiritual birth comparable to
Neither can be completely understood but both can be
experienced and felt.
In verse 14 Jesus makes another comparison between the new
birth and an OT incident. List the
similarities between the “serpent in the wilderness” and the “lifting up of the
Son of man.”
Serpent Christ
Given by God to save the Israelites Given by God to save the world
Was the thing which was killing them Christ become sin, which was killing us
Raised up on a standard Raised
up on a cross
People had to look upon it and believe We must look upon Christ and believe
According to verse 15, what is the means of the new birth.
Faith, belief, trust in the one lifted up for our sin.
John’s Commentary
Jesus words seem to stop at vs. 15 and John begins to
comment and summarize what Jesus has told Nicodemus.
What was the reason God sent Jesus into the world?
The reason was love.
What was the purpose of Jesus mission?
That the world might be saved through him.
In vs. 18 what is the result of not believing?
Remaining in God’s condemnation, under God’s wrath.
The word condemnation means judgment of guilt. Why are
unbelievers so judged? Vs. 19
Light (Jesus) came into the world but mankind loved darkness
rather than light.
What according to vs. 20-21 determines who goes to the light
and who avoids it?
The evil doer hates the light because it shows him as he
is. The doer of truth comes to the light
because he longs to have his deeds revealed for they are in God.
John the Baptist’s Final Testimony of Jesus Christ
What were the disciples of John upset about in vs. 26?
Jesus and his disciples were gaining larger crowds than John
and his disciples.
John answers with several reasons why this must happen. What were the reasons vs. 27-31?
1. His
position was a gift from heaven. He was
the forerunner not the Christ.
2. He acts
as the “best man” to Christ the bridegroom.
3. Jesus
must increase, John must decrease. Jesus
is from above and is greater than all.
In vs. 32, did John believe that all those flocking to Jesus
really believed Him?
No, it was superficial and would not last.
In vs 36 what is the significance of the phrase “hath (has)
everlasting life?”
It is in the present tense, meaning that those who believe
Jesus have in their possession now and forever life.
John 3 gives us one of the clearest and most emphatic
descriptions on who Jesus is, His purpose on earth and what it means to be born
again, saved from our sin and redeemed by Christ’ work on the cross.
Salvation is possible because Jesus, like the serpent in the
wilderness, would be offered up as the one we must look to for salvation.
That salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit touching our
hearts as Jesus sacrifice for us is lifted up in scripture and in our
We must believe, put our faith in, Jesus is our only hope of
salvation. We must trust that His death on the cross paid for our sin and that
His resurrection proved His power over sin, hell and death.
Our believing also includes our repenting, turning from our
sin and unbelief and towards God and salvation through Jesus.
How am I different than Nicodemus when he came to Jesus? How
am I different after He had heard Jesus speak of faith in Him?
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