The Gospel of John: That You Might Believe Chap 2

John 2:1-25 First Works

Audio Podcast

After His baptism by John in the Jordan River and temptation by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus returned to Galilee. He visited Nazareth, Cana, and Capernaum.  In Cana he performed the first miracle, the turning of water into wine.  He then returned to Jerusalem for the Passover.

In Jerusalem he cleanses the temple, does many miracles and tells Nicodemus of the new birth.

First Miracle: Water into Wine 1-11

Was Jesus being disrespectful of his mother by calling her, “Woman?”
No, this term was used often as a term of endearment.  See John 20:13-15

Judging from Jesus response to Mary what may have been her reason for asking Jesus this miracle?
She may have wanted Him to declare Himself as Messiah through the miracle.

What did the phrase “mine hour” mean?
It spoke of the time when Jesus would be revealed.  The purpose he was sent her for.

When was Jesus’ “hour?”
The last week of His life beginning with the triumphal entry and ending with his resurrection.

What was the purpose of the miracles of Jesus?
John uses a word that means signs.  The miracles were for the purpose of proving who Jesus was.

Did the miracles bring faith?
No, they strengthened faith of the believers but saving faith came through knowing the scriptures and Jesus who they foretold.

Quick Study of Miracles and Faith

Do Miracles bring faith today? Is their purpose to inspire faith?
Miracles happen according to God’s specific purpose and plan at very specific times and places. They are not a normal part of the believer’s life or they would not be miracles by the very definition of miracle.

Miracles throughout the Bible
There are seven great times of miracles in the Bible. 1) Creation 2) the Exodus 3) Elijah and Elisha 4) Christ Birth 5) Christ life and resurrection 6) The beginning of the Church and 7) The Tribulation.

With a few exceptions the vast span of time since Creation lacks miracles. During those times believers were to walk by faith in the God of Miracles not in the miracles which they could not know since they were not occurring.

Is the Church Age a time of miracles or a time of trusting God?

Miracles are seen to cease at the end of the apostolic age.
Paul could not heal Epaphras (Philip 2), Timothy (1Tim 5:23) or Trophimus. (2 Tim 4:20)
1 Corinthians 13:10 says that the sign gifts would end.
Christ said an “evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign” (Matt 12:39; 16:4 and Luke 11:30)
In Luke 16:29 Abraham told the Rich Man that faith must be based upon “Moses and the prophets (scripture) not upon a man be raised from the dead (a miracle)
Paul said, “We walk by faith not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7) “faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (the Bible) (Romans 10:17) and “The just shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38)
It seems plain that the church age is not meant to be a time of miracles but a time of living by faith in God and His Word.

The purpose of miracles then was to provide signs of God working among man but once that is proven then seeking after them shows a lack of faith in God.

First Authority: Cleansing the Temple 12-25

Jesus must have seen the money changers and merchants in the temple many times before now.  Why did he choose this particular Passover to drive them out?
Jesus public ministry started after His baptism by John and John’s arrest.  It is likely that Jesus followed the custom of the day, and would have waited until he was 30 before He began to publicly serve the Lord.

Read Mark 11:15-19.  Is this the same incident or a different cleansing?
It is a separate incident.  Jesus cleansed the temple twice, at the beginning and the end of his earthly ministry.

What is the one sign that Jesus has offered for all to believe?
The only proof is His resurrection from the dead.  See Matthew 12:39; 16:4 & Luke 11:29

Reconcile vs. 2:23 “many believed in his name... but Jesus would not commit himself unto them” with 3:16 whosoever “believeth on him shall have everlasting life.”
They did not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior nor did they repent of their sin but their pseudo-faith was motivated by the miracles he was doing.  They looked at the works rather than the worker.  See  John 8:30-44

Is it possible today to “believe” but not be saved?
Yes, belief must be accompanied by repentance and it must be faith in Jesus as God, Savior and Lord.


What do I believe about Jesus? Did He exist? Did He make water into wine? Did He cleanse the Temple? I may believe these as real events but do I believe in and on Him? Have I understood that Jesus came and died to pay for my sins and that believing on Him means accepting my guilt as a sinner, repenting and calling out in faith for salvation?

What Do I Really Believe? I better know for sure.
