John 10: The Good Shepherd Discourse
John 10 Jesus the Good Shepherd
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The Good Shepherd Discourse John 10:1-19
Verily, verily is literally the Hebrew word “Amen” and along
with “hallelujah” are almost universally understood.
The word parable here in the Greek is paroimia and would be
closer to the idea of an allegory rather than the classic form of a parable.
Interpreting the parable or allegory
The Elements
Jesus Interpretation
Door of the sheepfold
I am the door
Thief & Robber
False Messiah’s, False Leaders
Shepherd of the Sheep
I am the good Shepherd
The Shepherd’s Sheep
The saved
A Stranger
A hireling
What does Jesus say is the difference between the Shepherd
and the hireling?
The hireling runs when there is danger, but the shepherd
will defend the sheep to the death.
Who are the hirelings, strangers and thieves that Jesus was
warning the people about.
Pharisees, Sadducees, false Messiahs
This teaching is in direct confrontation to the leadership
of the Pharisees who did not have the best interest of the people as their
purpose but they were only hirelings out for profit or worse thieves and
robbers taking from those they were supposed to protect.
Are there hirelings, strangers and thieves seeking to
destroy the Lord’s flock today? Who are
they? How are they identified?
There are heretical cults, such as Jehovah Witness, Mormons
etc., which are seeking to destroy God’s people. There are pastors who do care
for the flock but are only hirelings. Lack of self-sacrifice and the neglect of
the flock identify them.
Who were the “other sheep not of this fold that Jesus speaks
of in verse 16?
The Gentiles that would be joined to the church Jesus would
leave behind and become His sheep and His people.
The Good Shepherd Spurned 10:22-38
The Feast of Dedication takes place six months after the
Feast of Tabernacles. Six months have passed from verse 21 to verse 22.
What was Jesus’ answer to those seeking a plain declaration
of his Messiahship?
He had already answered them but they did not hear him. They
would not believe the works that He had done in plain sight.
Why did Jesus say they would not believe Him?
They were not His sheep.
Is this saying that only some could know Jesus?
No, it is saying they must come to Jesus, not Jesus coming
to them. They must accept His authority as their shepherd before they could
know Him as Messiah.
According to verses 28-29 is it possible, once we have heard
His voice and come to Him to become lost sheep again?
No. The hand of Jesus
and the hand of the Father hold us forever.
How plainly is the doctrine of eternal security taught in
the Bible?
We find it both throughout the Old and New Testament.
Consider the following.
Ecclesiastes 3:14
Psalms 125:1-2
Romans 8:33-39
John 6:37,38,40,47
1 John 2:25
1 John 5:13
Ephesians 2:8-9.
Romans 3:23
What did the Jews understand Jesus was saying when He said,
“I and my Father are one.”
They knew He was saying that He was God.
What was their reaction to Jesus statement?
The picked up rocks to stone Him and accused Him of
What did Jesus mean by quoting the Old Testament and saying,
“Ye are gods?”
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods (elohim); and all of
you are children of the most High.
If the word of God refers to those judges who served God and
received his word as gods, meaning they were acting in God’s place over the
people, then how much more would it be true of Jesus who was sent by God and
was truly God.
Let’s take a few moments to consider several places in
scripture that plainly teach that Jesus was God.
John 1:1; 10:33; 20:28
Romans 9:5
1 Timothy 3:16
Titus 2:13
Hebrews 1:8 (Ps 45:6)
Acts 7:59
Philippians 2:6
Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 40:9-10
John 10 is a famous discourse of Jesus, it stands alongside
Psalms 23. In the 23rd Psalms David writes as a sheep looking up to his
shepherd while Jesus in John 10 speaks as the shepherd looking out for His
It is of vital
importance that we understand His challenge to all of us who hear His words.
Are we in the flock of the Good Shepherd? Do we hear and know His voice did we
come when He called? Have we passed through Him who is our door to the safety
and protection of the fold?
He is the our Good
Shepherd and the only one who can give eternal life and protection to us, His
sheep, because He is truly God with the power to fulfill the promise of true
eternal life.
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