Jeremiah: Man of Conflict
Jeremiah: Man of Conflict
Text Jeremiah 12:1-5
Key verse: 12:5
PowerPoint Link
In 1923 a Scotsman athlete and son of a missionary named
Eric Liddel was competing in a track meet against the nations of Ireland,
England and Scotland. That day he ran in the 100, 200 and 440 yard dashes. His
last race of the day was the 440. When the gun sounded and the race began the
athletes rounded the first turn and then began moving to the inside track for
the best position to run the grueling race. As they jockeyed for position
Liddell get entangled with another runner and he crashed to track stunned and
daze. He sat there for a moment, not even knowing if he was injured or if he
could get up. Suddenly a race official yelled at him , "Get up, man, and
He jumped to his feet and took off after the pack, which was
now a full twenty yards ahead of him. In a quarter mile, that's a big distance
to try to make up. Liddell was know as the “Flying Scotsman” named after the
fasted locomotive in the United Kingdom. As he ran he would tilt his head back
until it appeared the was looking up into heaven instead of down the track.
With his head tilted heavenward, his feet began to fly and he took off after
the pack. In just a few moments he had pulled into fourth place ten yards
behind the leader, J. J. Gillies, the man who had tripped him.
With forty yards to go, he pulled into third place, then
second. Right at the tape he gave a final push to pass Gillies, he stuck out
his chest, and won the race! So great
was the exertion that he collapsed once again onto the track in total
exhaustion. Medical personnel had to be called to help him off the track.
One year later Eric Liddel would go to the Olympics to
compete for his country, but instead was forced to choose for God and withdrew
when He was told he would have to run on Sunday. His stand caused even the
Prince of Wales to try and convince him to go against his convictions and
dishonor the Lord’s Day. Liddell stood against the pressure of his Prince, his
coaches and many in his country and refused to run. Giving up a chance to win
the 100 yard dash an event in which he was favored to take the gold medal.
Later in the Olympics another athlete who admired Liddell’s
convictions gave up his place in the 440 and Liddell, who hadn’t trained in
that even since the famous fall a year ago, stepped in and with his face toward
heaven won the gold. One of the greatest stories of athletic achievement ever
You know it’s tough being a Christian these days. You are
not popular, you believe in a book and God that most of your neighbors and
co-workers ridicule. You stand for Biblical morality and because of that stand
you are called a hater, judgmental and ungodly. As a Christian, you are running
the race but this old sinful world keeps knocking you down into the dirt and
cinders of the track. There are more difficulties than ever before, but this
morning I want to encourage you to “Get up and run”
Today’s message is about encouragement, to keep on, don’t
quit, don’t give up.
Such was the message God gave to Jeremiah in Chapter 12
I. Jeremiah’s Conversation Jeremiah 12:1
Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let
me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked
prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?
A. God Let
Me Talk With You
1. In
Jeremiah Chapter 11 we read the background of what was happening to the prophet
of God.
a) The men
of Anathoth, Jeremiah's hometown, plotted to kill him because his message
convicted them. Rather than repent, they decided to destroy the messenger. But
they had a second reason: as loyal Jews, they felt that his prophecies were harmful
to the welfare of the nation. Jeremiah preached impending judgment from
Babylon, while the false prophets were declaring messages of peace. Jeremiah
insisted that the people obey the Law and bring their sacrifices to the temple
and not to the local shrines (high places), some of which were dedicated to
idols, and the priests didn't like that. Jeremiah was pro-Babylon while the
rulers were pro-Egypt. In other words, Jeremiah was out of step with his times,
and because he was decisive, he had to walk alone and "vote with
b) Until God
warned him about it, Jeremiah knew nothing about the plot against his life, and
when he heard the news, he felt like a helpless lamb being led to the
slaughter. All he could do was commit himself and his enemies to the Lord and
trust God to work. This is the first of several occasions in his life when
Jeremiah privately poured out his heart to the Lord and asked Him to right his
battles and help him with his depression and fears. Publicly, Jeremiah was bold
before people, but privately he was broken before God. - Bible Exposition
2. Now in
chapter 12, Jeremiah says to God, I know that You are righteous but
3. Let me
talk with you about your judgment in this situation that I’m dealing with right
4. He goes
on to ask God some very hard questions. “Why do the wicked prosper? Why are all the treacherous happy?
B. When Was the last time you said, “God I Need To Talk To You?”
1. In the
midst of all the sin around me, in the middle of the pain and suffering. God I
need to talk. I know you are holy and righteous but are you aware of what’s
going on down here, especially to me?
2. We can’t
help but wonder, why does wickedness exist? Why do good people get hurt? Why isn’t life fair or just? Why God don’t
you intervene when your people, your children, your preachers are being hurt by
this world?
a) Right now
on my prayer list is Ed Fort, a pastor in Chicago who is in stage 4 liver
failure while his wife Sovkary’s, kidneys have also quit. Larry Jones, a
missionary a pastor and one of my closest friends in the ministry, who has
esophageal cancer and when they did surgery this week they found cancer spots
near his liver. Karen Bynum a pastor’s wife and faithful servant of God for
decades, whose cancer had been in remission and now they found the cancer has
come back and spread to her brain and lungs.
b) I feel
like Jeremiah and I want to say, “God, I know you’re right but what about these
people who have given their whole life in service to you? Why are they
suffering, while the wicked seem to be doing just fine? Does that seem fair,
God. Does that seem just?
3. Well, God
is not going to answer me or you in the way I want.
a) We want
God to explain the workings of the universe from before time began until it
ends and we don’t want it to be too complicated or too long and maybe to make
it interesting it should have a music video and be available on you tube.
b) But God
can’t and won’t give us that kind of answer. First because it would make God
our servant. We are making demands of Him instead of seeking His will.
c) And
second because in all truth, we couldn’t understand the full answer even if He
did tell us.
d) God
explaining to us His plan for eternity, is like trying to explain the
difference between Newtonian physics, quantum physics as and the chaos theory
of physics to an infant.
4. God won’t
give us the answer we think we want, but God because he loves us, is going to
give us the answer we need.
a) He does
not mind that we ask or that we are afraid or confused. He will answer us.
b) It will
be the right answer and it will be the answer He knows not only can we handle
but will also give us hope and challenge us to go on.
C. Confederate Soldier Prayer
(This writing was found in the uniform of a dead confederate
soldier after the battle.)
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey
I asked for health, that I might do greater things
I was given infirmity, that I might do better things
I asked for riches, that I might be happy
I was given poverty, that I might be wise
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things
I got nothing that I asked for but everything that I needed.
II. Jeremiah’s Complaint Jeremiah 12:2-42
Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they
grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from
their reins.3 But thou, O LORD, knowest
me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: pull them out like
sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.4 How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs
of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the
beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our
last end.
A. God, You Have Allowed This
1. Evil
Flourishes - You have planted them and they have taken root and grow fruit
2. Hypocrisy
is Allowed - You are near in their mouth but far from their reins. They are
blatant and obvious hypocrites.
3. Injustice
is Ignored - Yet, Jeremiah says, God, you know me and have tried my heart
toward you. You know my sincerity and faithfulness. This is unfair. Please deal
with the wicked as justice demands.
4. Jeremiah
goes so far as to say that all the land suffers because of the wicked. Even the
innocent wild animals and birds are hurt because the wicked do not believe that
God will see their end, He will not punish or stop them.
B. Does God Allow Evil?
1. Yes, He
allows it because man was created in His image and part of that image was free
will, the ability to choose right from wrong.
a) We see it
in the Garden of Eden
(1) Genesis
2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of
it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
b) We see it
when Israel comes into the Promised Land.
(1) Deuteronomy
30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set
before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that
both thou and thy seed may live:
c) We see it
in our own salvation
(1) John
3:17-19 For God sent not his Son into
the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is
condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only
begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the
world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
2. God also
permits evil, pain and suffering in order to test, prove and strengthen His
own. If we trust him and allow him then in His power and in His timing we will
find that strength that could only be seen in the fires of trail and suffering.
C. Illustration: Wesley’s Diary
A page from John Wesley's Diary reads as follows:
Sunday morning, May 5, preached in St. Ann's, was asked not
to come back anymore.
Sunday p.m., May 5, preached at St. John's, deacons said,
"Get out and stay out."
Sunday a.m., May 12, preached at St. Jude's, can't go back
there either.
Sunday p.m., May 12, preached at St. George's, kicked out
Sunday a.m., May 19, preached at St. somebody else's,
deacons called special meeting and said I couldn't return.
Sunday p.m., May 19, preached on the street, kicked off the
Sunday a.m., May 26, preached in meadow, chased out of
meadow as a bull was turned loose during the services.
Sunday a.m., June 2, preached out at the edge of town,
kicked off the highway.
Sunday p.m., June 2, afternoon service, preached in a
pasture, 10,000 people came to hear me.
III. Jeremiah’s Challenge Jeremiah 12:5
If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied
thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace,
wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the
swelling of Jordan?
A. Now God Answers Jeremiah
1. If you
have run with men and they wore you out?
What will you do when I have you contend race against the horsemen? If
you had trouble with the infantry, how are you going to deal with the Calvary?
2. If you
are defeated running in the smooth plains, what will you do when I ask you to
run in the tangled and deep brush along the Jordan River?
3. In other
words, “Cheer up Jeremiah! It’s going to
get worse.
4. Now that
is not the answer Jeremiah wanted but it was the answer he needed.
a) In the
answer was a challenge from God and also a tremendous vote of confidence from
the God of Creation.
b) “Jeremiah,
you are my man for the job. I have called you to this difficult task and you
will complete it. Jeremiah, I believe in you.
B. Are we willing to still hear God’s answer?
1. In the
midst of our difficulties and troubles God still speaks and it is almost the
same message He gave to Jeremiah.
2. “Cheer
up, it’s going to get worse! But understand this, you are going to get
stronger. You will finish the task I’ve called you to. I believe in you.”
3. Scripture:
a) 2 Cor
4:16-17 For which cause we faint not;
but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding
and eternal weight of glory;
a) Galatians
6:8-10 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but
he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let
us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint
not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men
4. Child of
God, it’s going to get tougher. Christian Dad, Mom, Teen, Tween, it’s going to
get harder.
a) This
world wants to rend your marriage apart, destroy your children with alcohol,
drugs, sexual impurity and hopelessness. It wants to turn your eyes from heaven
and set your mind on the suffering and pain of the wickedness that is all
around us.
b) But, God
has called you to the task of standing against the evil and sin of this world
and each day it gets tougher but listen again to what Paul said, “For this
cause we faint not Though the outward man perish the inward man is renewed.”
Then listen to what God says, “You will reap if you faint not.”
c) It is His
unbreakable promise. Will you keep going
that you will see it fulfilled in you? The race is going to get tougher and
there will be many times you will get knocked down but on the sidelines God
stands and says, “Get up, my child and run!”
C. Illustration:
Jeremiah didn’t give up. At Anatoth they just threatened
him, but in Jerusalem the King arrested him and had him thrown in a well. For months he stood with water and mud up to
his neck, only a kind servant of the king kept him alive by throwing him bread.
After he was pulled from the pit, the king had Jeremiah read
the book that God had told him to write.
As each page was read the king took a knife and cut it from the book and
tossed it in the fire. Jeremiah went
back and rewrote the book, the very book you hold in your hands today. Jeremiah ran his race with the horseman and
in the judgment of God he won that race. The only question left is for us,
“Will you keep running the race?”
IV. Conclusion
A. The End of the Race for Eric Liddell
1. After the
Olympics Liddell when back to China to serve as a missionary and teacher with
his father and family. He continued to compete and win in regional meets. He
preached and organized the youth he taught in athletic teams that he coached.
2. In 1941
the Japanese Army which had invaded China was approaching the city where Eric
his pregnant wife and two children served. The British government warned all
its citizens to leave while there was still time. Eric’s family left for
Canada, but he stayed behind to help his brother Robert who was a medical
doctor in another Chinese town. His brother was ill and there were many people
who because of the war needed help.
3. Though he
could have fled he stayed and worked for the Lord until he was captured by the
Japanese and put into an internment camp. He continued to work even there until
sickness and near starvation rations brought him to his deathbed. In his last
letter to his wife, written the day he died, he told her he had suffered a
mental and physical breakdown. He died on Feb 21st 1945.
4. A fellow
missionary was trying to comfort him in his last moments and they began to talk
of serving the Lord and how you keep running the race of faith. According to
that missionary, Liddell’s last words were, “It’s complete surrender.” You see
the other opponents couldn’t beat him because he had already surrendered to His
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and all that left was victory in His service.
Powerful message pastor. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBro. John Shrader