Bible Boot Camp Field Headquarters: The Church

Bible Boot Camp

Field Headquarters: The Church

Podcast Audio

          Our orders are issued from heaven but since we are fighting on the front lines we need a field headquarters.  Our HQ until we go home is the church. It has been commissioned by Jesus to recruit, equip and train soldiers until He returns to make the final assault.

7.1.         Origin of the Church
Defined:  the Greek word for Church is Ekklesia.  It means a local, called-out, assembly.  In Acts 19:41 "assembly" is the same word translated "church" 119 time in the New Testament.

The first use of the word in the NT is Matthew 16:18.  Use this passage to answer the following questions.

In this passage did Jesus change the definition of the word? No.
Who was to build the church? Jesus Himself
Then when did the church have to start? During the earthly ministry of Christ.

We see the organization of the church in  Mark 3:13 and Luke 6:13.
The Lord called and they assembled.
This is the definition of the church as it is acted out.

Could this original assembly started by Jesus cease to exist?
Matthew 16:18  The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 28:20  Lo, I am with you alway even to the end of the world.

7.2.         Make up of the Church

Requirements for church membership  Acts 2:41

Salvation and Baptism or letter from another church of like faith and order stating that the candidate was a member there.

Offices of the Church

Read 1Timothy 3, Acts 6:1-6. What are the only two offices of the church?  Pastor and Deacon

7.3.         Ordinances of the Church

Four Essentials of Proper Baptism

* Proper Candidate
Candidate for Baptism must be saved.

Scripture Acts 8:35-38, Acts 2:41

* Proper Mode or Method
Candidate must be immersed only

Definition:  fr. Baptizo, To immerse or dip

Symbolism: Baptism represents the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

Scripture Romans 6:4, Acts 8:38, Matthew 3:6, 3:16

* Proper Motive
Candidate must have the proper reason.

Baptism is to show the gospel of Jesus Christ 1 Cor 15:3-4

To show our own death, burial and resurrection in Jesus Christ Rom 6:4

To show our identification with Jesus Christ Rom 6:5
To follow Christ's example Matt 3:15
To obey Christ Matt 28:19-20
Improper motives, these are not valid reasons for baptism.

For Salvation  Acts 16:30-32, Luke 23:39-43, 1 Cor. 1:17
To wash away sin(s) 1 Peter 3:21

* Proper Authority
Candidate must be baptized by the proper authority
Great Commission was to the local church  Matt 28:19-20
Paul baptized by the authority of a local church Acts 13:2-3
Phillip was commissioned by local church Acts 6:5-6

Four Essentials of the Lord's Supper

* Proper Candidate
Candidate for Lord's Supper must be a member of local church.
Scripture 1 Cor 5:11, 11:20-22, 33
Must be under authority of local church.

* Proper Mode or Method
Fruit of the vine and unleavened bread.
Scripture: Luke 22:17-18, Exodus 12:15

* Proper Motive
A symbolic memorial, no saving merit is imparted.
Scripture 1 Corinthians 11:24-26

* Proper Authority
The local church in assembly
Scripture 1 Corinthians 11:20-33

7.4.         Commission Matthew 28:19-20
   The commission is the church's "marching orders" everything else we do as a church must be subservient to these orders.

What are the commands of the commission?
1. Go
2. Teach (Make Disciples) 
3. Baptize 
4. Teach (Train)

There are other commissions given in scripture ( Mark 3:13-15, Mark 16:17 and Luke 10:1-9) but they all have been superseded by the “Great Commission” of Matthew 28:19-20. 
