Tabernacle Christians:Dwelling with God Lesson 1
Tabernacle Christians:Dwelling with God
By D. Kris Minefee, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
Applying the lessons of the Tabernacle to New Testament Believers.
Background of the Tabernacle
When God called Israel out of Egypt
it was to take them to the land promised to Abraham their forefather. God
wanted the descendants of Abraham to be His people, His desire was to form a
relationship that was much closer than anything they had shared previously.
Along the way to Canaan there would be extreme hardships, dangers and
difficulties. God's presence in the
midst of his people was a necessity if their relationship would deepen and the
difficulties overcome.
God led Moses to Mt. Sinai, here the
law and the plans for the tabernacle were given. The Tabernacle would be the place where the
nation of Israel would meet with God while they traveled to Canaan. God's power and presence could be felt and
seen as the tribes camped around the tent of meeting, the Tabernacle became the
focal point of their lives in union with their God.
The tabernacle was not just a
beautiful tent, however, it was also a symbol of heaven where God dwells and of
a relationship every believer shares through Jesus. Each piece of furniture,
each covering and tapestry pointed to the Savior who would come and give his
life to redeem all of mankind.
As a symbol of heaven the Tabernacle
was God’s revelation to His people of His dwelling place and what would one day
be our dwelling place. As a symbol of the coming Messiah, the tabernacle would
be a prophecy of the coming Annointed One. It also stood as a picture of how do
draw nearing to God by passing from the outer courct in the Tabernacle to the
Most Holy Place. Therefore it still has much to teach New Testament believers
today. Each part of the tabernacle can be applied to our relationship with
Jesus, each room points to a deeper, more intimate relationship with God
through our high priest Jesus Christ.
The Model of Heaven
2 Corinthians 12:1-5
It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will
come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ above
fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the
body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.
And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot
tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard
unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such an
one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.
Hebrews 9:24-25
It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things
in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things
themselves with better sacrifices than these. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with
hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear
in the presence of God for us:
Paul and the third Heaven
The Bible speaks of three heavens, the atmosphere of the
earth, the heavens of the stars and planet outside of earth and the spiritual
heaven where God dwells. Related to the
tabernacle then the outer court is earth, the inner court is space and the most
holy place is where God sits on his throne. In Hebrews Paul says the tabernacle
was a pattern or things in heaven, figures of the true. The Tabernacle gave
Israel and now us a glimpse of Heaven and through its symbolism of God and the
coming Saviour.
The Context of the Tabernacle
Mount Sinai
The location of this mountain is uncertain. Tradition and
most of the modern scholars accept Jebel Musa as Mt Sinai. The tradition in favour of Jebel Musa is so
ancient (about 1,500 years) and the granite formations so imposing that it is
quite probably Mt Sinai. Furthermore, a few stations en route to the mountain
point to the same conclusion. Mt Sinai
is also called Mt Horeb in the OT. Traveling past March and Elm, the Israelites
reached Sinai in the 3rd month after their departure from Egypt (Ex. 19:1), and
camped at its foot on a plain from which the top was visible (Ex. 19:16, 18,
20). The Lord revealed himself to Moses on this mountain and gave the Ten
Commandments and other laws. The covenant made here between God and the people
played a major role in binding the tribes together and molding them into one
nation serving one God.
Bibliography. B. Rothenberg, God's Wilderness, 1961; W.
Beyerlin, Origins and History of the Oldest Sinaitic Traditions, 1965; B.
Zuber, Vier Studien zu den Ursprüngen Israels, 1976, pp. 16-49. f.c.f.
Scripture References
The main passages dealing with the tabernacle are found in
Exodus 25-31, 35-40.
Read Exodus 25:8, 21-22.
What is the purpose of the tabernacle?
It would be a place for God to dwell with his people. A meeting place.
In the New Testament, Stephen's sermon before being stoned
uses the tabernacle as an illustration of God dwelling with men. The writer of Hebrews uses the tabernacle as
an example of more excellent way of Christ over the OT traditions. The word tabernacle is used often by Paul to
point out the temporary dwelling place we have in our earthly bodies.
The Construction of the Tabernacle
Raw Materials
According to Exodus 25:1-9 Where did the material for the
tabernacle come from?
The people of Israel were to bring offerings that would be
used to construct the tabernacle.
Where did the former Israelite slaves get these materials?
When the Israelites left Egypt God told them to go to their
Egyptian neighbors and ask for gifts.
The Egyptians gave precious metals, jewels, clothes, etc. to urge the
Israelites to leave. (See Exodus
Materials are listed in Exodus 25:3ff.; 35:4ff.: gold,
silver, bronze; blue, purple. scarlet material, fine twined linen; goats' hair,
dyed rams' skins, goatskins, acacia wood, oil for lamps, spices for the
anointing oil and the fragrant incense, onyx stones, and stones for the ephod
and the breastpiece. The three metals of ancient times-bronze, silver and gold
are used in meaningful gradation from the outer court to the most holy place.
The most artistic use of the metals is found in the cherubim and the golden
lampstand. The wood used throughout the structure was shittim or acacia wood,
known for its durability. The material
employed was linen, also fine twined linen. dyed blue, purple, and scarlet
(25:4). The yarn was spun by women in
charge of the weaving (35:25, 35); the work included both embroidery and

frames, l5 ft. high by 27 in. wide with three vertical arms joined by three cross pieces. These were placed in wooden supports and over them were hung the large curtains. Over all were spread three covers. The framework was constructed using uprights of acacia wood, making three sides of the oblong structure.
Covering. The Coverings of the Tabernacle are described in
Exodus 26:1-14 and 36:8,9. The wooden framework of the Tabernacle had three
coverings: the total covering of Tabernacle itself, the covering of goats, and
the covering of rams' and goatskins spread over the entire structure. The first
covering was made of ten curtains of fine twined linen woven with blue, purple,
and scarlet, with figures of cherubim. The second covering was of eleven
curtains of goats' hair. The top
covering was made of rams' skins dyed red and goatskins.
Court of the Tabernacle. The description of thee court is
found in Exodus 27:9-18 and 38:9-20. the court of the Tabernacle was a rectangle
on an E to W plan, 100 cubits (c. 150 ft.) long and 50 cubits wide. To the W
was the Tabernacle proper and to the E, the altar. The court was screened off
from the camp by five white curtains five cubits high. It was an enclosure of
150 ft. in length and 75 ft. in breadth, with curtains of fine twined linen
supported on bronze pillars and attached by silver hooks. In the court stood
the altar of burnt offering and the laver, the latter being set between the
altar and the Tabernacle proper (30:17-21). The entrance to the court was from
the eastern side through a "gate" or "screen" with its
hangings. -Bibliography; Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible Vol. 5
The Tabernacle
Dimensions ( One cubit equals approximately 1.5 feet)
Court: 100 x 50 cubits, 150 x 75 ft; Gate: 20 cubits, 30 ft;
Tabernacle: 30 x 10 x 10 cubits, 45 x 15 x 15 ft; Holy Place: 20 x 10 x 10
cubits, 30 x 15 x 15 ft;
Most Holy Place: 10 x 10 x 10 , 15 x 15 x 15 ft
Outer Court Christians
Separation: The Wall
The Physical Wall
Read Exodus 27:9-18
A cubit is roughly 18 inches or 1 1/2 feet in length. Keeping this in mind how big was the
tabernacle court yard? 100 x 50 cubits or 150 x 75 ft.
There were 60 total posts, 20 posts on the N & S, 10 on the E & W. 5
cubits (7.5 ft.) apart
Each post was made out of acacia wood on the bottom was a
bronze socket, a silver capital on top and silver hooks just under the
capital. Cords would be tied to these
hooks and the post held in place by stakes on the inside and the outside of the
wall. Along the tops of each post was a
connecting rod made of silver which spaced the pillars and upon which the
fabric that made up the wall rested.
There were 40 curtains that made up the wall. These were made out of finely woven white
linen, 5 cubits by 5 cubits.
On the east side of the tabernacle was the gate, 20 cubits
wide. All of it's posts were made out of
bronze. The fabric of the gate was
different than that of the wall. It was
actually four different colored threads embroidered together to make one
cloth. The colors of the gate were blue,
purple, scarlet and bright white. The
gate was the only entrance into the courtyard and it always faced East, the
direction of the rising sun.
The Spiritual Wall
The wall of the tabernacle showed separation between God and
the people. There was no free access to the
tabernacle proper. Once the wall was in
place there was no way under, over or around, those who wanted to come near to
God had to go through the gate.
All mankind is separated from God, not by a physical wall
but by a spiritual one. We cannot draw
near to God because of this separation.
Why are we apart from God? Read
the following passages.
Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, Isaiah 59:1-2
What has separated us from God?
Sin separates from God because He is Holy and
righteous. Sin cannot be in the presence
of God.
When did this occur?
Sin entered in to the world with the sin of Adam in the
Garden. See Gen 3:1-6 for more
The Gate
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
The outer court gate, the curtain to the holy place and the
veil of the most holy place were all made of the same materials. Let's look more closely at these four fabrics.
The fabrics came in four colors blue, purple, scarlet and
white. Each of these used so often and
in such places of prominence are an outstanding type or symbol of Jesus Christ.
Blue was the color of the sky, the color of heaven. It points to Jesus, God the Son coming from
heaven down to earth to become man.
Purple was the color reserved for royalty. It was very scarce and hard to obtain. Jesus is the king of glory, the king of
creation. In mockery the Roman soldier
put a crown of thorns and a purple robe on him and called him, "King of
the Jews."
Scarlet is the color of blood. It point to Jesus who poured out his life's
blood on the cross as our substitute.
Giving himself in obedience to the Father and in love for us.
White is the color of purity and righteousness. Only a pure, sinless offering could be the
substitute for the sin of the world.
Jesus live his life as a perfect, sinless man that He would show Himself
worthy as our redeemer.
These same portrayals of Jesus in the colors of the tabernacle
gate and veil are also seen in other "types" throughout
scripture. In many places Jesus is seen
in these for portraits of King, God, Man, and Servant.
The largest portraits of Christ are of course found in the
Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Four accounts of the same story, yet each with a distinctive view of
Read Matthew 1:1.
What view of Jesus is Matthew showing by linking Jesus directly back to
David was the greatest king of Israel and his offspring
would be the lineage of the Messiah.
Matthew portrays Jesus as King.
Read Mark 10:45. Who
does Mark see Jesus as?
The servant who came to give his life.
Read Luke 19:10.
This title is use often by Luke of Jesus, what side of Christ does it
Jesus was man, a perfect sinless man.
Read John 1:1. Who is
the Word? What does John want us to see
about Jesus?
The "word" is Jesus. John shows us the deity of Jesus.
Also notice the cherubim and seraphim around the throne in Ezekiel and John's visions. Ezekiel
1:5-10, Revelation 4:7
The eagle represents deity;
the ox/calf, service; the man;
man and the lion, royalty.
Only Jesus Christ was and is all of these thing seen in the
portraits. Only He is the God-man. Only He is the ruling-servant. Only He could be the gate for us to enter
into a relationship with His Father.
Sacrifice: The Altar
Exodus 27:1-7
Upon this altar the sacrifices of the people were offered to
God. Only a person with a sacrifice
could enter into the tabernacle courtyard.
This sacrifice must be without spot or blemish, a lamb, ox, or
turtledove to be offered to God as an acknowledgment of sin or thanksgiving.
The offerer would bring his offering through the gate and
then in the presence of the priest would lay his hands upon the animals head,
signifying it as his offering for sin.
Then with the animal still alive, the throat would be slit and the blood
collect to be put upon the horns of the altar.
The animal then would be cut into pieces and arranged upon the altar to be burnt.
When we come to our gate Jesus Christ, it must be also with
the understanding of an unspotted sacrifice.
Salvation is accomplished by the sacrifice of "the lamb of
God" Jesus. It is applied to us
when we realize that Jesus died for us.
When I accept the substitution of Jesus, His sacrificial death and shed
blood save me. I am redeemed, brought
back to God by Him.
Read John 2:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 and Isaiah 53:5-12
Sanctification: The Laver
Read Exodus 30:17-21
Just behind the Brazen Altar stood the Laver. A large basin filled with water.There are no dimensions given for the laver,
though it would be quite large and probably near a scale to the altar. It also was made of bronze. The laver was used by the priests who would
wash themselves before they served God inside the tabernacle. The would wash their hands and their feet in
the basin.
The laver was for physical cleansing, it points as a type to
the spiritual cleansing from sin which is ours in Jesus' forgiveness. As there were no dimension given for the
laver we are reminded that there is no limit to the forgiveness we find in
Read Psalms 103:12.
What does this verse tell us about the unlimited forgiveness of God.
The East and the West never meet. Our sins are completely gone.
Read 1John 1:9. What
is the condition of forgiveness?
If we confess our sin.
We must go to God and ask.
No past sin, no length of time, no repeated iniquity can
extinguish the power of forgiveness found in the shed blood of Jesus.
The laver reminds us that to be dwell with God we must be
clean, that cleanliness comes only with confess and forgiveness.
If I have entered into fellowship with God through the only
gate, Jesus Christ. If I have made Him
my substitute for sin. If I have been
cleansed of my unrighteousness by His cleansing blood, I stand in the
courtyard. I am a child of God, I am
saved, I am on my way to heaven. I know
the blessing of forgiveness. So much is
mine here.
Yet, I have only begun my journey with God. The courtyard in Moses time was for those who
were limited by rank or birth from becoming a priest. Those who were priest could enter into the
holy place. In the New Testament, 1
Peter 2:9-10, the Bible says we are priests, we can enter into the presence of
God ourselves. Here is privilege, here
is honor to approach even closer to the presence of God. Though this privilege is ours most Christians
remain in the courtyard. Content with
their level of intimacy with God to be only the barest basics of what God can
and wants to be to us. Having journeyed
through the gate, they now sit stagnant as if there is no where else to
go. Salvation is the most important
thing in the world until you are saved, then it becomes the least important
Hebrews 6:1 say, “Therefore leaving the principles of the
doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection.”
Look towards the tabernacle above it stands the glory of
God, and within its walls there is a fuller, deeper relationship with God. We are priests, let us boldly enter where God
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