Bible Boot Camp: A Study in Discipleship Lesson 1 God The Commander
Bible Boot Camp: A Study in Discipleship
Commanders: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Names of God are more than just titles, they describe
the very character of God. God used
names in the Old Testament to reveal himself to His people. By studying the
names we can better understand what God wants us to know about himself.
Names of God
El, Elim, Elohim Eloah: generic term for God. (Genesis 1:1)
El-Elyon: God Most High
El-Shaddai: God Almighty/ Satisfier
Jehovah or Yahweh, is the Personal name of God. It means
I Am. (Exodus 3:13-14 Gen 2:4, compare with Gen 15:2)
Jehovah-Jireh means The Lord will Provide. (Gen. 22:13-14)
Jehovah-Rapha means The Lord that Healeth (Exodus 15:26)
Jehovah-Nissi : The Lord our Banner (Exodus 17:8-15)
Jehovah-Shalom : The Lord our Peace. (Judges 6:24)
Jehovah-Raah : The Lord my Shepherd. (Ps 23:1)
Jehovah-Tsidkeny: The Lord our Righteousness. (Jer 23:6)
Jehovah-Shammah : The Lord is
Present. (Ez 48:35)
Theos is the New Testament equivalent of El.
Pater means Father.
What do the above names tell me about who God is and what
God does?
Can I see His attributes and character in these names? Which ones?
The Existence of God
The existence of God is simply assumed by scripture. (Gen
1:1, Ps 94:9-10) The Bible never tries
to prove the existence of God it simply states, "In the beginning
God..." nor does God need our help in proving He exists. This doesn't mean though that the existence
of God can't be seen logically and intellectually. There will be times when those who do not
accept the Bible will listen to logic.
Still remember that God will prove Himself in the heart of every man
when the time is right. Here are some
things that show the existence of God makes sense.
Existence of God is Logical
The Cosmological Argument (Hebrew 3:4) - Everything which began must have had a creator.
The Teleological Argument (Psalms 94:9) - Order and useful arrangement imply intelligence and purpose.
The Ontological Argument - The idea of God is Proof of His Existence.
The Moral Argument (Rom 1:19, 32 2:14-16) - There are fundamental moral laws in every culture.
The Argument from Congruity - The belief in the existence of God best explains the facts
of mental, moral and religious nature, as well as the fact of the material
The Attributes of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit
Some of the character of God can be seen from his creation
and some can be sensed intuitively, but both of these are easily
misinterpreted. God, to prevent this, has chosen to reveal Himself to us
through the Bible. In this way we have a permanent and trustworthy record of
who God is.
The following is a table of attributes which apply to the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Since these
attributes can only be applied to God then the fact that they are applied to
all persons of the Godhead is proof that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are fully
and equally God with God the Father.
This, three persons in one God, is called the Trinity.
Holy Spirit
Psalms 90:2
Rev 1:8
Heb 9:14
Jer 32:17
Matt 28:18
Rom 15:19
Job 42:1-2
John 16:30
1Cor 2:11
Proverbs 15:3
John 3:13
Ps 139:7-8
Ex 15:11
Acts 3:14
Matt 28:19
The Works of God
The character and power of God is also seen in His works. In
the following table list the work that is shared by the Trinity in these
Ps. 102:25
Col 1:16
Gen 1:2
Offering Christ
Rom 8:32
John 10:18
Heb 9:14
Acts 2:24
John 10:18
1Pet 3:18
Life giving
John 5:21
John 5:21
Rom 8:11
2Tim 3:16
1Pet 1:10-11
2Pet 1:21
do we see God? Is His existence just a solution to a metaphysical argument or
does He exist in our lives in a personal and intimate way? Is He our creator,
our provider, our healer, our peace? Do the attributes of God impact our lives
in a real way? Does it mean anything for Him to know us and have the power to
give eternal life?
Knowing about God is
not the same as knowing God, and we must know the difference.
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