Apocalypse: The Appearing of the King - Revelation Bible Study #1
Revelation Bible Study #1
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I have heard it said that the study of prophecy either finds
a man mad or leaves him that way. (John Calvin) I’m hoping that won’t be the
case with our study.
To really benefit from a study of the Book of Revelation you
need to understand why it was written.
What is the true purpose of this book?
The purpose for the book of Revelation is not to know the
future but to know who holds the future. It is not to know when the Lord is
coming back but to know, without a doubt, that the Lord is coming back.
It is especially written for those who will be caught in the
midst of the Great Tribulation, to give them hope that this is not the end of
the world but actually the beginning of eternity.
Stat Sheet
Author: John the apostle, also called the beloved, and the
evangelist. Rev 1:1, 4:9, 22:8
Date: Approx. 96 AD
Sent to: The seven churches of Asia 1:11
Title: The first word of the book in the Greek is ,
which means unveiling or uncovering something hidden.
Theme: From vs. 1-3 To reveal the Person, Jesus Christ, and
to give revelation to the churches.
Interpretation Views:
Symbolic, only a series of pictures teaching spiritual
Preterist, history, already fulfilled in 1st Century.
Continuous, history mostly fulfilled since Christ until now.
Futurist, except for chapters 1-3 all is still future.
Rapture View
Pretribulational, Christ will rapture his saints before the
Midtribulational, the rapture is at the midpoint of the
Posttribulational, the rapture will occur at the end of the
Millennial Views
Premillennialism, Christ will come to earth before the 1000
year reign.
Postmillennial, Christ will come to earth after the 1000
Amillennial, there is no literal reign of Christ for a 1000
Revelation Bible Study: Background
The Dispensations
The Fall
The Flood
Dispensationalism is an approach to biblical interpretation
which states that God uses different means of administering and revealing his
will to people during different periods of history, usually seven
chronologically successive periods. It
attempts a literal interpretation of scripture with a premillennial and
pre-tribulation rapture view. It sees
Israel and the church as distinct bodies.
The Key to Biblical End Time Prophecy
Daniel 9:24-27
What is the purpose of the seventy weeks?
9:24 Seventy weeks
are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the
transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for
iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision
and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Temple)
2 Chronicles 36:20
And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon;
where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of
Persia: 21 To fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth
of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her Sabbaths: for as long as she lay
desolate she kept Sabbath, to fulfill threescore and ten years. 70 x 7 = 490 years
What time period is a week?
From Hebrew word shabuwa` {shaw-boo'-ah} meaning seven, or a
period of seven (days or years), heptad, week
When would the 70 weeks begin?
25 Know therefore
and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and
threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even
in troublous times.
When would Messiah be revealed?
At the 69th week
When would Messiah be cut off?
26 And after
threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: After the 69th week
Who will destroy the city and sanctuary? When?
the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the
city and the sanctuary;
How many weeks are left after Messiah is cut off?
One 70-69=1 week
When will this final week begin? By who?
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many
for one week: The coming prince of verse
26 when he confirms the covenant
What marks the middle of the final week?
and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice
and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall
make it desolate,
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel
Restoration of
538-424 BC
From command
to rebuild
Neh 2:1-8
445 BC
to rebuild the wall
Nehemiah receives permission to rebuild the wall.
49 years
Start of God's Countdown
Unto Messiah Zech
Mt 21:1-12,14-17 Mr 11:1-11
Lu 19:29-44
Joh 12:12-19
30 AD
434 years
Jesus Revealed
483 years
Messiah cut off after 69th week
Mt 27; Mr 15;
Lu 23; Joh 19
City Destroyed 70AD
Matthew 24:1-2
He shall confirm the covenant for 1 week Daniel 9:27
Begin of Tribulation
7 Years
Oblation to cease, The abomination of desolation
Daniel 9:27
Matthew 24:15
3 1/2 years
Jesus Returns
Second Coming
John the apostle,
who was also called the evangelist and was a first cousin of Jesus Christ, was
exiled on the island of Patmos probably to die since he was already near 100
years old. There he wrote the book of Revelation and sent it as a letter to the
seven churches in Asia. These churches
are located on a major Roman highway and would have been visited in exactly the
order John wrote the in the book.
The churches were not chosen at random but specifically by
the Lord for typical lessons to all future churches. Some see in these churches
the history of the Universal Church through the ages, others see typical
churches in any location throughout the ages to come. That is our view as we
cannot see the universal church idea taught anywhere in scripture.
PATMOS. An island of the Dodecanese, lying some 55 km off
the SW coast of Asia Minor, at 37° 20' N, 26° 34' E. To this island the apostle
John was banished from Ephesus, evidently for some months about the year ad 95,
and here he wrote his Revelation (Rev. 1:9). The island is about 7.5 miles
long, with a breadth of up to 4.5 miles, and it has been suggested that the
scenery of its rugged volcanic hills and surrounding seas find their reflection
in the imagery of the Apocalypse. See Pliny, Nat. Hist. 4. 69. The island now
belongs to Greece. j.h.p.
What is the Outline of the Book according to Rev 1:19?
19 Write the things
which thou hast seen (Ch.1), and the things which are (Ch 2-3 conditions in
Churches), and the things which shall be hereafter (Chapter 4-21, the future);
What is Chapter 1 about?
The background of the vision, time, setting, persons
What is Chapter 2 about?
Letters to the Churches
What is Chapter 3 about?
Letters to the Churches
What is the setting of Chapter 4?
The Throne Room in Heaven
What is the focus of Chapter 5?
The Book and The Lamb
Survey Chart of Revelation
Things thou hast seen
Things which are
Vision Begins
Seven Churches
2 3
Throne Room in Heaven
The Book and The Lamb
Christ In The Midst
God on Throne
What assurance to
know that the end of the world, time and history is just the beginning of heaven,
eternity and glory. What a joy to realize that all we have lost, suffered and
endured has been replaced and rewarded with peace, love and the presence of God
and His people. What a realization to understand
that all we love and those that love the Lord will be together for all
I can hold on a
little longer and I can be a little stronger when I’ve seen the end of the
story and realize its really the beginning. That is the power of the Book of
Revelation. I can see the end and it is glorious.
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