Genesis First Faith: From Abraham to Isaac Gen 24-25

From Abraham to Isaac

Abraham sends for a wife for Isaac Gen 24

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Abraham is now 140 years old, Sarah has been dead for 3 years and Isaac would be 40 years old.

The “servant” is not named but based on precedent who might it have been?
Eliezer (God is his help) of Damascus (Gen. 15:2)

Why did he place his hand under Abraham’s thigh?
This custom, which is only mentioned here and in Gen 47:29, was the so-called bodily oath, was no doubt connected with the significance of the hip as the part from which the posterity issued (46:26), and the seat of vital power; but the early Jewish commentators supposed it to be especially connected with the rite of circumcision. -from Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament

Abraham gave Eliezer one prohibition regarding Isaac. What was it?
That Eliezer not take Isaac back to Abraham’s homeland under any circumstances. Perhaps due to the strong paganism of the area or family ties that would draw Isaac away from the promised land and God.

Abraham trusting God’s promises in the covenant sends Eliezer to Mesopotamia area, where his brothers had settled, back to his country and his people. Is Syria where Abraham’s brother Nahor had settled, Eliezer finds Rebekah (ensnarer), who would be a grand-niece to Abraham and second cousin to Isaac.

What gift did Eliezer give Rebekah for her kindness?
Two golden armlets and a golden ring. Since the word is singular, ring, it was probably a nose ring, worn in the left nostril by women of the middle east even to this day. The weights translate to about a quarter of an ounce for the ring and about 2 ounces for the bracelets.  (1278 an ounce today = $2600 thank you gift for watering the camels.)

What outstanding traits of a servant can be seen in Eliezer carrying out of his master’s business?
He seeks God’s help through prayer often. (24:12)
He leaves the results in God’s hands.
He thanks God often. (24:26-27,52)
He is not deterred by obstacles. (24:55-56)
He is faithful and loyal to his master.


Eliezer (God is his help.) When serving God we should…
Pray seeking God’s help.
Trust in God’s providence.
Thank God often.
Persevere through the hinderances and obstacles.
Be faithful and loyal to our Lord and Master.

Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Matthew 10:39  He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

After Bethuel (man of God/ dweller in God) and Laban (white) see that God is at work in this event they determine to send Rebekah to Isaac but first seek her consent at least as when to leave. Rebekah consents to go with Eliezer and along with her nurse and several female servants travel back to meet Isaac.

Isaac is dwelling in Lahairoi. What event had taken place here with other members of Abraham’s family?
Haggar and Ishmael were saved by God here and promises made to her for Ishmael.

Rebekah veils herself when she sees Isaac coming toward her. Why would she veil herself now?
The veiling took place once a woman was married, signifying that her beauty was only for her husband now.

What is the significance of Isaac taking Rebekah into Sarah’s tent?
It shows that Rebekah was now the head of the women and all the women’s affairs as was Sarah before her. It also shows the love and admiration Isaac had for Rebekah, letting her take the place of his mother.

Generations of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac.

What was Abraham’s 2nd wife’s name? Gen 25:1
Keturah (incense)

It is possible that Keturah, mentioned now as Abraham’s life is near ending, was probably a concubine along with Hagar and that the 6 sons were born before Sarah died but then sent away from Abraham before he died.

This kind of migration and separation of nomadic people was not abnormal or cruel as we have seen it with Abraham, his brothers, Lot and Ishmael. It was necessary if their families and their flocks would continue to grow.

What became of the sons of Abraham and Keturah?
They along with Ishmael’s descendants would become the nations of the middle east and the nations of the Arabian Peninsula.

How old was Abraham when he died?
175 years old.

Abraham was buried in the Cave of Machpelah along with Sarah. Who oversaw his burial?
Ishmael and Isaac his first son and his heir. This may show that at least during their lifetime there was communication and no animosity between their families.

Conclusion and Application

The bride for Isaac
Just as the sacrifice of Isaac was a fore-shadowing picture for the death of Jesus, the marriage of Isaac also is a picture of God the Father securing the church as a bride for Jesus Christ, after the Son was offered on the cross and now waits in heaven for His bride.

The Father (Abraham / God) sends a servant (Eliezer, the Holy Spirit) to those outside the family (Syrians, Gentiles). The servant gives gifts to the bride (golden armlets, ring / forgiveness of sin and eternal life) and the bride consents to go with the servant to live with the Son.

To make one final application, as Rebekah veiled herself to be exclusively Isaac’s, we as the church, the bride of Christ, should separate ourselves from this world and set our affection upon our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  We should give ourselves only to Him.

Colossians 3:1-4 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.  Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
