John Bible Study: That Ye Might Believe - John 14 The Upper Room Discouse


John 14-16 The Upper Room Discourses with Jesus

Out line
John 14: Jesus And Our Peace
    Vs. 1-6 The way, truth & Life
    7-11 Father Revealed
    12-14 Answered Prayer
    15-18 Another Comforter
    19-24 Indwelling of God
    25-31 Christ’s Peace
John 15:1: Jesus Our Life
    1-8 The True Vine
    9-17 Love & Joy Perfected
    18-27 World’s Rejection
John 16:1: Jesus And Our Future
    1-4 Warning of Offense
    5-15 Work of the Holy Spirit
    16-24 Sorrow turned into Joy
    25-33 Overcoming the World

John 14 Jesus and our Peace
Vs. 1-3 What is the tone of Jesus words to the apostles?
Comfort and command.

What does the word mansion mean?
A dwelling place from the Grk. mone meaning a staying, abiding, dwelling, abode.

On this night before the crucifixion where was Jesus going and how would he prepare a place for the disciples?
He was going to the cross.  The preparation would be his sacrifice for us.

Does this verse of scripture support the belief that we will all dwell in luxurious mansions once we arrive in heaven?

Vs 4-14 Explain the way and the place where Jesus was going?
The place is heaven the way is the cross.

How does Jesus’ answer reveal our own way to heaven?
He is our way. Only through faith in Jesus can we be saved. We must trust in, and only in, what He did upon the cross. He is exclusively the way, truth and life.

Vs. 12 How were the apostles and later us able to do greater works than Jesus?
Since Jesus is returned to heaven, He is not limited to one place but can work through all of us. “Greater” is in the quantity but never in quality.

Vs. 13-14 What does it mean to ask in Jesus' name?
It means to ask as Jesus would ask. It means to act in His power and will, not my own. It is a spiritual “power of attorney.”

Vs. 15- 18 Another Comforter
Why is obedience and love of Jesus coupled in the same paragraph as the giving of the Holy Spirit?
Without the Spirit both are impossible.

Vs. 15 Jesus promises the apostles “another comforter.” In Greek there are two word for another; ἀλλον, allon (another of the same kind) and ἑτερον, eteron (another of a different kind.) Which word do you think was used by Jesus?
Allon, another of the same kind, the same as Jesus their first comforter.

The comforter is translated from the Greek word paracletos; literally it means one called alongside to help.  Other words that define it are advocate, helper, strengthener, and comforter.

Vs. 17 The Comforter is called the “Spirit of Truth” and Jesus says that the apostles “know him for he dwells with you and shall be in you.”  What did Jesus mean?
The Holy Spirit though with them was not yet indwelling them. That would happen with the promise of the New Covenant.

The comforter is translated from the Greek word paracletos. It has many facets of meaning in the Greek: helper, advocate, strengthener, counselor.
Literally it means one called along side to help. From para (along side) and kletos (to call)

The word comfortless in vs. 18 is a different word. Translated literally it is orphans from ὀρφανός orphanos.
Vs. 22-23 Judas (note John’s identification) asked how He would be seen by the apostles but not by the world. What was Jesus' answer?
That the Father and the Son would be with those who love Him.

The Twelve Apostles

Matthew 10:2-4 Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus (Judas); Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

Mark 3:16-18 And Simon he surnamed Peter; And James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James; and he surnamed them Boanerges, which is, The sons of thunder: And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus (Jude), and Simon the Canaanite, And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house.

Luke 6:14-16  Simon, (whom he also named Peter,) and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,  Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes, And Judas (Thaddaeus) the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.

Vs 25-31 Christ’s Peace  

What was one of the tasks of the Holy Spirit after Jesus was gone?
To remind the apostles and teach them all the things which Jesus had said unto them.  This is both a promise of inspiration in the writing of the New Testament and a promise to all believers of the Holy Spirits guidance in understanding scripture.

What is different about the peace that Jesus gives and the peace the world gives?
The world’s peace is temporary and superficial.  Jesus’ peace is eternal and fulfilling.

Vs. 28 Why should the apostles have rejoiced at Jesus departure?
Because they loved Jesus and He is reuniting with His Father.

Vs. 29 Is an explanation for all the Upper Room Discourse. What was that reason?
When all would come to pass, as Jesus taught, then the disciple’s faith would be stronger.

Vs. 31 “But that the world may know.” How would the world will know?
Though Satan had no claim or power over Jesus, He would do as the Father commanded. So, they leave the upper room and begin the journey to the cross, the proof of His love and obedience to the Father.

“Apparently, the group arose and walked out into the night and the rest of the talk and prayer was in the shadows on the way to Gethsemane.” - A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament


In the upper room Jesus prepared His apostles for their greatest loss and greatest gift; the loss of His physically being with them, but the gift of the Holy Spirit. He tries to prepare the apostles for the events that will define the rest of their lives and eternity itself.
Like the apostles, we are sent by Jesus, and often don’t fully understand what Jesus is doing in the present. Like the apostles we can’t rejoice in His future promises because of our present pain. In those times we must cling to those promises, believing that one day we will see them fulfilled in our lives and even though our pain.
