John 13 The Last Passover and Last Supper

John 13 The Last Passover and Last Supper

John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes the Apostles Feet

John's Gospel continually showed that Jesus was on a “heavenly timetable” and knew when the time was now.

2:4—“Mine hour is not yet come.”
7:30—“His hour was not yet come.”
8:20—“His hour was not yet come.”
12:23—“The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified.”
13:1—“Jesus knew that His hour was come.”
17:1—“Father, the hour is come.”  - Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary,

John 13:1 Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

John begins this chapter with a beautiful statement of Jesus and his love toward His own. How does verse 1 show a transition in John’s Gospel?
The verse draws our attention to Jesus’ own apostles. The next few chapters will show His teaching to them alone.

Vs 6-10 Why do you think Peter did not feel it proper for Jesus to wash his feet?
Jesus was the master, his superior.  Peter should wash His feet but not Jesus wash Peter’s.

After being rebuked Peter told Jesus to wash him all.  What did Jesus answer reveal about the spiritual cleansing that Peter had already experienced?
Jesus tells Peter he was already washed (bathed) and was clean every whit (bit).  Only his feet (that which contacts the world) needed to be cleaned.

Vs. 12 What was the lesson Jesus taught by washing their feet?
“Humility is … losing oneself in service to others.” –Wycliffe Bible Commentary

After reading Luke 22:24, Did the lesson of Jesus washing their feet seem to have an affect on the disciples?
It seems they missed the point. Luke tells us they were seeking arguing over who was the greatest apostle.

Vs. 15 Examine this verse, should foot washing be an ordinance like baptism and the Lord’s supper?
No.  Jesus said this was an example not a practice and it is not taught anywhere else in scripture as an ordinance.

Vs. 17 What is the condition of Christian happiness according to this verse?
If we know the teachings and commands of Christ and then obey and do them.

John 13:18-30 The Betrayer Announced

Vs. 18 What OT passage is Jesus quoting?
Ps 41:9  Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.

After Jesus announced that one of the apostles would betray him, the disciple whom Jesus loved leaned on his chest as they reclined at the meal. Who was this apostle?

During NT time, dipping a piece of bread into sauce and handing it to a guest at the meal was a gesture of friendship. Why do you think Jesus did this to Judas?
It may have been a final attempt to reach out and show His love even for the one who had contracted to betray Him.

According to the other Gospel accounts, it was only after Judas departed that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. Why was it necessary for Judas to leave first?
The Lord’s supper then and now should never be shared among unbelievers and Judas was not a believer.

John 13:31-38 The Upper Room Discourse Begins

Vs. 31 Shows the moment of transition from Judas present to Judas gone. It also seems to be final preparation before the path to the cross. How does Jesus view these things?
As part of the glorification of Himself and of God.

Vs 33.  Why must Jesus go this way alone?
Only Jesus could die for our sin.  He and He alone had to suffer the punishment of God’s wrath upon sin in order to save us.

Vs. 34 - 35 The New Command of Jesus

The explanation of the new commandment    The extent of the new commandment    The example of the new commandment
That ye love one another      As I have loved you      By this shall all know that ye are my disciples.

Vs. 36-38, Peter desires to follow the Lord even to death, but is told he will deny the Lord three times.  What lesson must Peter learn before He can be fully used of God?
The lesson of brokenness, Peter must be broken of his own strength and courage in order to be filled with God’s.

If this is true of someone like Peter, could it also be true of all followers of the Lord?  Give the area of brokenness that the following people had in their service to God.

Abraham    Isaac born of Sarah
Moses    40 years a shepherd
Samson    Captured and blinded
David    Outlaw running from Saul
Paul    Damascus, Stoning, Chained
John the Apostle    Death of Christ, Isle of Patmos


Christ’s great concern during this last week of his earthly ministry revolves around His crucifixion and His disciples. The former is an appointment that is set, but the latter requires His utmost attention, prayers and instructions. On His disciples, His church, rests the future of the Gospel going forth into all the world.

We cannot take for granted our own part in the work of the Gospel today. The first disciples could not understand or realize the impact of their faithfulness to us today and neither can we realize the impact our faithfulness might have on someone tomorrow or even long after we are gone.


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