Gospel of John Bible Study: Chapter 4 - Is This Not the Christ?


John 4: Is This Not the Christ?

Jesus and the Woman at the Well

    Centuries had passed since the nation of Israel had split into two separate warring nations, Israel, also called Samaria, in the north and Judah in the south. Around 721 BC the northern kingdom was invaded by Assyria and most of its inhabitants deported. Those few that were left intermarried with other people imported by the Assyrian conquerors.  After Judah's own capture and release they would have nothing to do with their northern neighbors. They now had very different cultures, values and especially religions. Very seldom would a Jew allow themselves to travel through Samaria and never would he have any type of contact if at all possible. Into this centuries old cultural battle Jesus travels to Galilee and must "need go through Samaria."

Vss. 1-3 Why did Jesus leave Galilee?
He knew the Pharisees would focus on Him now that He was replacing John.

What does it mean that Jesus baptized not but His disciples?
Jesus did not personally baptize (immerse) believers, this was done by His disciples. It can’t refer to Jesus baptizing the disciple since John the Baptist had already baptized them.

What is notable about the phrase, “He must needs go through Samaria?”
It describes a divine necessity to go through instead of around Samaria.  There was a need to implement God’s plan through this woman among the Samaritans.

Sychar was the OT city of Shechem, close to Mt. Gerizim.

vs 6-7  What time of day was this to us?
If John counts from sunrise this is about noon. If he is going on Roman time it is 6 pm. The setting would seem to fit noon better.
What was odd about someone gathering water at this well at this time?
Sychar had its own well and drawing water was usually done in the morning.

What might be an explanation as to this woman’s fetching water here at this time?
She may have been ostracized from the other women of the village.

vs 10-11 What was living water to this woman?  
It was water which flowed from a spring in the well, running water.  

vs 13-14  What kind of living water is Jesus speaking of?  
He is telling of a supernatural gift that would satisfy her spiritual thirst.  

vs 16  Why did Jesus now tell her to get her husband?
The woman still did not understand what Jesus was saying. It was necessary to get her to look past the physical and see the spiritual.

vs 20  The woman understands Jesus is a prophet, she asks a question. What is it in reference to?
On Mt. Gerizim the first king of Samaria had erected an idol of a golden calf and a temple.

vs  21 What event was Jesus prophesying?
The revelation of the Messiah would redirect worship towards himself.  No temple would be needed for each would worship in their own hearts.

vs  22  How does one worship in Spirit and in Truth?  
Both the emotion (will and desire) as well as the doctrine must be correct.  Emotion, however sincere, is not enough to satisfy God and truth (doctrine) without desire and sincerity is dead orthodoxy. True worship is a balance of both our spirit and the truth.

vs 25-26  Jesus literal response was, “I that speak to thee, I am!” (the personal name of God, Jehovah)

Why did Jesus reveal himself as the Messiah here when He would not do so in Jerusalem?
In Jerusalem such a revelation would accelerate the events preceding his crucifixion, in Samaria that would not happen. It was also needed that this woman could believe.

Did this woman believe? Why do you think so?
Yes, she did. The proof was Her returning to her village and telling the others, “Come see a man who told me all things that ever I did. Is this not the Christ?”

Soul Winning with Jesus

What lessons can we learn from the way Jesus brought this woman to salvation?
1)    He found a way to reach out to her despite the major differences in gender, culture and lifestyles.
2)    He did not condone sin but was not harsh in dealing with it.
3)    He did not let the conversation divert to an argument about Samaritan versus Jews but brought it back to the real need for salvation through a belief in who He was.
4)    He did not deny or ignore the truth but did not use it as a club to win the argument while losing the woman.
5)    Throughout the conversation He showed concern and compassion for the woman’s soul.

Nicodemus and the Woman of Sychar

In John 3 and 4 Jesus is talking to 2 very different people about salvation through himself,
1. One a man, one a woman,
2. One a legalist, one an adulteress,
3. One a Jew, one a Samaritan,
4. One with Biblical knowledge, one with almost none.
5. One a respected leader, one a social outcast.

What do both people have in common?
1. Jesus is telling two sinners how to be saved.
2. Jesus deals with them where they are and as they are. He does not use the same approach, or the same words.
3. He uses the unexpected in both cases. “Ye must be born again” with Nicodemus and “Give me to drink” with the woman.
4. He does not allow the conversation to veer from salvation. Jesus remains the focus.

Jesus and the Disciples

Vss. 31-38 What was the meat (food) Jesus had to eat that the disciples were unaware of?
The work of God, the reason He must needs go through Samaria, was nourishment for His soul.

Jesus says the fields are white ready to harvest. What harvest was about to happen?
The woman of the well had gone back to Sychar and now the town was coming out to see the Messiah.

Who had already sown the crop that the disciples were soon to harvest?
Jesus with the woman and then the woman who went back to tell the village the good news.

Vss. 39-42 Jesus stayed for two days and many more believed. What was their testimony?
Now we believe, we have heard Him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the World.

This is the pattern, the way, of salvation comes to every soul. We hear Him ourselves and then believe He is the Savior of the world

Vs. 43-54 Jesus and the Nobleman’s Son
When the nobleman came to Jesus what was His response to the man’s request?
It was a rebuke. Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe.

What did the man do after hearing Christ’s refusal?
He continued to ask. His son’s life depended upon Jesus.

In view of this rebuke and chapter two where Jesus did not commit Himself to those who believed because of the miracles, what kind of faith does Jesus desires?
He desires faith in Himself, Trust in Him personally as Savior and Lord not just as a prophet or miracle-worker.

Would the nobleman have been a true believer if he had not obeyed the Lord?
No, obedience always follows genuine faith.

Thy Jesus said in John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. James, the brother of Jesus said, James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

He may have wanted to see if the man would show faith in His word or to continue to seek a visible miracle. Would he take Jesus at His word or demand a sign? He believed in Jesus' word, obeyed and departed to see what he knew was true.


 John 4 contains two personal stories of faith. One based on Jesus’ testimony and the other based on Jesus’ power as a miracle worker. The woman started in doubt and finished in saving faith, the nobleman started in faith and finished in obedience to his Lord.

If we apply these truths to our own lives, we also come from ignorance to saving faith and then move from saving faith to willing obedience to the One who is truly our Lord and Savior.
