Launch Out Into the Deep! - Luke 5:1-11


Launch Out Into the Deep! - Luke 5:1-11

This is a great passage because it establishes Jesus as Lord over everything in our lives, even those things that would seem to be outside of Jesus’ concern. Whether we acknowledge it or not Jesus is the boss. Jesus is in charge. Jesus knows what He is doing, even when we can’t see that truth.

Sometimes the Lord challenges us to do something and even if our experience, past history and common sense tell you, “It won’t work” you know you must do it because it is the Lord telling you, “Do It.” Our response to the Lord will be judged not by our thoughts, intentions or desire but by our obedience, and our action

Luke 5 is one of the callings of the disciples. It is not was not first call, that is recorded in John 1:35-42; nor is it even their second, what was in Matt 4:18-22; but this call is their third and it is after this 3rd call that they forsake all and follow Him. What made this call the final one? I believe it was the command of Christ to launch out into the deep. I believe it was a test of faith and a show of power by Jesus Christ that took these believers and changed them into followers, disciples and apostles. This event started them on the process of becoming the core group of “sent ones”, who with the gospel of Christ as their message and the hope of eternity as their burden, would turn the world upside down.

Command and Challenge - Luke5. 1-4

And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,   And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Launch Out and Let Down

Jesus came to the Lake of Gennesart, also called the sea of Galilee. He was already well known for people were pressing upon him. The word means to put pressure on like a stone on a tomb. The crowd literally was crowding Jesus so that he could not do anything for the press.

I believe he came looking for the fishermen partners this day. This was team of fishermen that he would turn into a team of apostles.

He finds them cleaning their nets and asks Peter who is the leader of this enterprise, to let Him use his boat for a pulpit. So they put out a little way from the shore and Jesus sits down and speaks with the people. This was the way they heard the Gospel, no shouting, no theatrics, but teaching and quite learning.
When he finishes, Jesus tells Peter to Launch Out into the deep water and drop your nets for a catch of fish.
Jesus has three objectives in commanding Peter.

First, He is testing his obedience
Second, He is offering him a reward for the use of his time and ship to let him preach.
Third, He is teaching a lesson that can’t be taught by words alone. It is a lesson of faith in action, a lesson of reward with risk, a lesson of a gift with God guidance.

Doubting But Doing

Jesus is still in the business of turning believers into disciples, and then disciples into called and sent preachers and missionaries. Nor has his plan changed. He is still using the same means and method to make believers into disciples and into fishers of men.

The only question we must answer is, is He doing this to me?  Is he doing this in my church? Is He doing this now? Am I listening as Jesus says to me in my relationship to Him, Launch out into the deep and trust me. Will we act as a church, when Jesus commands, “Launch out into the deep waters and let down your nets for a full haul.”

Jesus also still trying to do the same three things in us that he did to Peter.

First, he is testing our obedience. John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Second, he is offering us a reward and blessing for obey and serving Him. Jeremiah 7:23 Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
Third he is trying to teach us a lesson that can’t be learned by words alone. Psalms 119:71  It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.

I am absolutely sure  that Jesus still tells us, Launch out into the deep. I heard that challenge first as a 7 year old boy in a little Spanish mission in the copper mining town of Miami, Az. I stepped out into that aisle and asked Jesus to save my wicked, vile, black, dirty, sinful 7 year old hear. I know at 7 years old, I hadn’t exactly murdered anybody, and I doubt I even knew the word vile. But I did know this. Jesus was calling and I needed to answer.

Later as a 14 or 15 year teen, I heard a different call and I walked the aisle once again with tear in my eyes and a this time with the Lord’s calling in my heart to tell people about the love of God. I heard the call, but I held back. I didn’t launch out. I prayed and I sat back down.

Then when I was 21, after years of running from that call I heard as a teenager, I hear it loud and clear again. I had a wife and a newborn baby boy and my own little business. But this time I answered, “Yes, Lord. I’m getting in the boat and letting down my nets where you tell me.”

I’ve heard Jesus after each heartbreak, after each defeat, after each desertion or betrayal still saying, “Launch out into the deep.”  He has sent me to places where I felt afraid and felt a failure but still, even when I feel it’s time to pull up the nets and go home for good, he points away off across the sea of doubt and uncertainty and says, “Launch out, there is still work to be done over there in the deep.”

His voice has always been strong, and His assurance unmistakable. I want to see God’s hand at work in my life and in my church in ways that leave no doubt that he is telling us, “Launch out into the deep. You are not through doing what I sent you to do.” And we will all be willing to go.

Notice the response of Peter to the Lord’s command of launch out in vs. 5

Cynicism and Compliance Luke 5:5

And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

Toiling and Taking Nothing

Peter’s response, “We have toiled all night and taken nothing nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.”
Don’t you know that this kind of response is one of the reasons why the Lord chose Peter to be an Apostle, a sent one? He is so much more like you and I than Paul or even John. Peter more than any other New Testament Bible character speaks his mind and says the things I’m thinking.

Peter is blunt but truthful. (I think this means he must have some East Texas blood in Him.) “Lord, you know we fished all night, right.”

For real fishermen, men who made their living catching and selling fish, nighttime was the best time to work. The fishermen would take torches and hold them close to the surface of the water where the fish would have risen after staying in the depths of the water during the heat of the day.

The fish would by attracted to the light would swim near the boat and the men would cast a net and catch their fish.
Peter knew this, he was a lifetime fisherman. He was the expert, Jesus was a just carpenter and now a Rabbi or teacher. Neither qualified him to tell Peter how to fish.

Peter was also tired when he says we have fished all night. They started at sunset and fished until sunup.

Finally, it wasn’t a good day for fishing. They hadn’t caught a thing. There just weren’t any fish in that lake. (When I fish, its always like this. I never catch anything. I have real fishermen tell me, I need the right equipment or the right time of day or time of year. But I know that when it comes to me and fish, even a stick of dynamite wouldn’t help. Poor Peter didn’t have any dynamite back then he’s tired and he wants to go home and sleep.)

But Peter didn’t just say, “We’ve toiled all night and taken nothing.” This wasn’t the first time Jesus has called Peter, Andrew, James and John to be His followers. Peter knows this in not just another Preacher who doesn’t know a spinner from stink bait.  No, Peter goes on and says, “Nevertheless, at thy word I will let down my net.”

It didn’t make sense. It was contrary to experience. It was unfair to ask of men who were at the end of the strength to do anything else, but because Jesus said it, Peter responded, I’m going to do it because you said it.

Do you see why Peter was the leader of this group both as fishers of fish and later as fishers of men? He saw the world of reality and doubt, even expressed those doubts but he still believed in Jesus, he still acted, he still stepped out in faith even when he couldn’t see how it was going to work out.  

If Jesus said, it then even if Peter didn’t believe it would work or understand how it could work, still he was going to do it, because Jesus said it. That is what faith is, that is what trust is.

Determined Despite Doubts

You know what the difference between us and Peter is? We have the same doubts about what the Lord is telling us in His Word, to do but instead of expressing those doubts and then doing it anyway, instead we don’t say anything and then we don’t do anything. As if our silence and our inaction will make the command null and void. “I’ll just pretend that wasn’t the Lord, speaking to me.”

God’s word says, “Launch out into the deep with your finances.” “Launch out into the deep with your family.” “Launch out into the deep with your career.” Most challenging of all God says, “Launch out into the deep with your soul.” And yes, he is talking to you and me.

We know what God is telling us to do but we say nothing and then we do nothing. It would be better if we stood up in the middle of Church shouted that God doesn’t make any sense, this can’t possibly work and then said, “To prove it I’m going to try it anyway just to show you.”

But instead, we sit there in our cocoons of silence and our coffins of inactivity and refuse to act at all. Refuse to even try or to test God and His promises.

You know what God himself says, “I am bigger than the doubts and greater than the tests. Try me!”

Listen to Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

God is greater than your tests.

Gideon tested God. Zechariah the father of John the Baptist tested God. Hannah the mother of Samuel tested God. They and many, many others stepped out, in spite of their doubts, in spite of their fears, and said, “Lord I can’t see how this is going to work but I’m going to do it anyway.”

We need to have faith enough to at least express our doubts and then like Peter, Zechariah, or Hannah, put God to the test by obeying Him anyway. “Nevertheless at thy Word, I will…”

An incident from the lives of Robert and Mary Moffat underscores this truth in an interesting way. For 10 years these two missionaries faithfully pursued their endeavors in Bechuanaland without one ray of encouragement brightening their way. Not a single person was converted to Christ. Finally, the directors of their mission board began to question the wisdom of continuing the work. The very thought of leaving their post, however, brought grief to the devoted couple who felt sure that eventually they would see the fruits of their labors. They stayed on, and for two more years the forces of darkness reigned. Then a friend in England wrote to Mrs. Moffat that she wanted to send her a gift, and asked for a suggestion. In her reply she requested nothing for herself, although she could have used many things. Rather she pleaded, "Send us a communion set; I'm sure we will need one soon." God honored her faith, for the Holy Spirit began to work in hearts, and a short time later six people accepted the Savior. Soon a small group had united to form a church for fellowship and to study the Bible. The communion set from England was delayed en route; but on the very day before the Lord's Supper was to be observed, the gift arrived.

Completion and Confession - Luke 5:6-9

And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:

Reward and Repentance

Peter does what the Lord says. It seems he had taken Jesus into the boat, probably to show him this wasn’t go to work. He then launches out into the deep and lets down his net.
In my mind, I see it. No sooner had the net hit the water and sunk down that it must have felt like the boat hit a rock. Peter and I imagine Andrew begins to try and draw the net in and so huge is the catch that the net begins to break.

The Bible says he beckoned to his partners. He is out in the deep and James and John are in another boat. So, he is trying to hold the net with one hand and waving with the other hand trying to get someone to launch out into the deep with him and help him draw in these fish.

John and James arrive and the probably put another net under Peter’s net and then they all lift the net and the catch was so great that both boats sink down to just inches above the water line.

Don’t you imagine that the Lord was smiling, maybe even laughing to himself at what was happening? Because after all He knew what was going to happen all along.

When Peter sees what has happened, he falls down at the feet of Jesus and repents. He confesses his doubts, his fear and his pride. “Depart from me for I am a sinful man, Oh Lord.” Wwhat a confession.

In a way that he had never seen Jesus before, he sees him now as Lord and in comparison Peter can only see himself as a sinner, unworthy to be in the same place as Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, The creator, ruler and Lord of all, even the Lord of fishermen and fish.

The Bible says, “For he was amazed.” Literally that means, For a wonder held him round. The wonder of what they had seen surrounded and held Peter fast with all the others.

Isn’t it amazing, Peter had cast a net that caught fish, but Jesus had cast a miracle that caught Peter.

Risk and Repentance

Peter would never have come to this place, never come to the feet of Jesus, never seen Jesus as much more than just a Rabbi had he not obeyed the Lord and launched out into the deep.

He risked much in obeying the Lord.

He risked embarrassment from all those people and other fishermen on shore. “Look at Peter he’s going back out to fish at the wrong time and in the wrong place.”

He risked all that he owned. His nets began to break and his ship begins to sink. If he lost these things he would lose everything he had in this world.

He even risked his life. We know from the story of Peter walking on the water that he probably can’t swim. If the boat goes down Peter could die.

Yet because he risked it all in obedience to Christ that he was able to truly see Jesus in ways he had not seen Him before. It really comes down to this question for us all, where is our obedience? Where is our risk? And where is our repentance?

When have you obeyed the Lord in spite of you doubts and fears? When have you risked everything you have and everything you are in obedience to him? When was the last time you fell at the feet of Jesus and realized, “I shouldn’t be loved my Him? I shouldn’t have been forgiven by Him. I shouldn’t share heaven with the one who is the Creator, Ruler and Lord of All. No, I shouldn’t be here, but I am here and all I can do is fall at your feet. My Lord, My God, My Jesus.

Have you heard Jesus invitation to trust Him, are you willing to risk it, willing to test Him and see of this salvation thing is real? Oh you’ll never know the amazement, the “wonder holding you round about,” until you launch out in the deep of your doubts and fears and let down your net and trust Jesus.

Eight times in the NT Jesus says, “Come unto Me.” Eight times He is saying, trust me. Eight times he is saying try me. Eight times He is saying, Launch out into the deep with Me.

The story doesn’t end here in fact this is the only the end of the beginning of the story for Peter and the apostles.  But don’t worry it is the end of my sermon.

Conclusion; Forsaking and Following - Luke 5:10-11

And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
Peter, Andrew, James and John forsake all and follow Christ.
After this, the third time, Jesus has called his disciples, the Bible says, “They forsook all and followed Him.”

Why this 3rd time? I believe it was because they saw Him as they had never seen him before. Because they had obeyed Him as they had never obeyed him before. Because the risked everything as they had never risked it before. Now, they were ready to be Apostles, ready to take the Gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth and ready to carry the burden of eternity on their shoulders.

Are you ready this morning?  I can’t think of anything worse than one day looking back to a time and a place where I could have made a choice to obey God, to trust Jesus, but instead said nothing and did nothing. I can’t imagine realizing that because of my refusal to obey, I missed seeing Jesus Christ as I had never seen him before. I missed the opportunity of serving him. Or worst of all I missed the hope of eternity because I did nothing.
