Lesson 9 Jesus Promises Hope, Comfort and Peace John 14-16
Life With Christ Lesson 9
Jesus Promises Hope, Comfort and Peace John 14-16
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Year of Obscurity Year of Popularity Year of Opposition ___________________|______________________|____________________
(1),(2)AD25 (3) (4) Apr AD26 (5) AD 26 (6) Mar AD27 (7) Apr AD 27 (8) Dec AD 28 (9) Feb AD 29 (10,11) Apr AD 29
1. John The Baptist preaches as forerunner Mark 1:1-8
2. Jesus is Baptized by John Matt 3:13-17, Jesus begins public ministry
3. Jesus in the wilderness tempted by Satan
4. Temple Cleansing, 1st Passover John 2:13, meets with Nicodemus John 3:1
5. John cast in prison Luke 3:19-20, End of Year of Obscurity
6. John beheaded by Herod for his wife Mark 6:17-29
7. Second Passover John 5:1
8. Visit with Martha and Mary Luke 10:38
9. Resurrection of Lazarus John 11:19
10. Jesus talks to the rich young ruler, heals Bartimaeus and stays with Zacchaeus Luke 18-19
11. Final week of Jesus' life, Triumphal entry, Temple cleansed, Last Passover, Lord Supper, Upper Room discourse.
Jesus has assembled his disciples in an upper room
on the day of the Passover, the third and last in Jesus earthly ministry. This
may have been the same room where Jesus spoke with Nicodemus, some believe it
was the home of John and James. Jesus takes this tie to prepare His apostles
for the greatest loss they will endure but also for the greatest gift they can
receive after salvation. He reaffirms Himself as the only way of salvation and
His deity. He promises them the gift of the Holy Spirit and teaches them
without parables in order to prepare them for what will happen in the next few
days and for the rest of their lives. What they learn will shape the rest of
their lives and ours.
The disciples have gone from the triumphal entry earlier in the week to this supper which Jesus says will be their last together. He washes the disciple’s feet, tell them that one of their number will betray Him and has to reprimand Peter twice, once for refusing to allow the foot washing and then for telling Jesus that he will go with Him wherever he goes, even to death. Jesus then has to tell Peter that he will deny Him three time before morning. You can understand why Jesus first words of chapter 14 are, “Let not your heart be troubled.”
John 14:1-3 Jesus Gives Hope
Vs. 1-3 Listening to what Jesus says, what is the basis of their hope, untroubled hearts?
Faith in God the father and faith in Him.
Besides faith in God what else does Jesus tell them that will also brings hope?
There is a place for them in God’s house and His going to prepare a that place for them.
What does Jesus mean when He says, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” What is meant by a mansion?
The word means, a dwelling place from the Greek word, mone meaning a staying, abiding, dwelling, abode. In the English of the KJV translators’ day, a manse was a substantial house, though not always a mansion in our way of understanding today.
Where was Jesus going that would prepare a place for those who believe in Him?
He was going to die on the cross. The preparation for their and our place in heaven would be by His sacrifice death on our behalf.
Jesus gives one final word of hope given in vs. 3. What does he promise that gave the disciple then and us hope today?
If I go away and prepare a place, then I will come again and take you home with me.
Vs 4-7 Jesus statement and Phillips’s response. Jesus says, “You know where I am going and the way I am going.” Thomas then says, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus does not repeat that He is going to die, but instead tells them, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” What does this answer tell us about Jesus and His relationship with the disciples and with us?
The focus must not upon the details of what is going to happen, but instead upon Jesus. He is way, He is the truth, He is the life and every question about our life, our path or our beliefs is answered in Him. Above everything else we must trust Him.
Vs. 6 According to this verse is there any other way to salvation, any other means to get to heaven?
No, salvation and eternal life is through faith in Jesus only.
After Jesus says, “If you had know me, you would have known my Father also.” Phillips says, “Lord, show us the Father and that would be enough for us.”
Vs. 8 What do you think Phillip is saying? Is this what Jesus meant?
Phillip may have been agreeing with Jesus statement that they would see the Father and that would be all they needed. But he missed the point Jesus was making.
Vs. 9 Jesus then asks a revealing and painful question, “Have I been with you this long and you still don’t know me?” What is Jesus very plain answer so that there are no further misunderstandings?
If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. It is one of the clearest most undeniable declarations of Godhood.
He implores them to believe that He is in the Father and the Father in Him by two reasons. What are they?
The authority of His words and the miraculous works that He has done.
Vs. 12-14. Jesus then promises that believers will do even greater works than He did. What reason does He give that we will be able to do greater works?
Because Jesus is going to the Father. Going to return to Heaven and return to the full use of his omnipotence, omniscience and omniscience that can be accessed by prayer in His name.
Does this mean all believers will be able to do miracles? If not then how are believers able to do greater works than Jesus?
Since Jesus is returned to heaven, his power and presence is available to all believers, at all times. He is not limited to one place, or one group but can work through all of us, in all places at all times. The greater does not mean more powerful or even supernatural but greater in number because His presence and power is with each of us.
These “greater work” are only possible if we “ask in Jesus’ name?” Because this is so important to the greater works we will do, what exactly does it mean to ask in Jesus’ name?
It means to ask as Jesus would ask. It means acting in his power and will rather than my own.
Whatsoever. The scope of prayer.
Ask. The condition of prayer.
In my name. The ground of prayer. This involves at least two things: praying in the authority Christ gives (cf. Mt 28:19; Acts 3:6) and praying in union with him, so that one does not pray outside His will.
That will I do. The certainty of prayer.
That the Father may be glorified in the Son. The purpose of prayer.
If ye shall ask. (The condition of prayer) The if is on the side of the one who prays, not on the side of Christ. – Wycliffe Bible Commentary.
Vs. 15- 18 Jesus Promises Another Comforter
Jesus now comforts the disciples with a promise of another that will come in His place.
The word for comforter is translated from the Greek word paracletos; literally it means one called alongside to help. Other words that define it are advocate, helper, strengthener, and comforter.
In the Greek writers, used of a legal advisor, pleader, proxy, or advocate, one who comes forward in behalf of and as the representative of another. – Word Study Dictionary
According to verse 17, did the Holy Spirit indwell the apostles at this present time?
No. The promise of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was given for those under the New Covenant not the old and that could not take place until the Lord’s death.
The word comfortless in vs. 18 literally means orphans. The idea is Jesus comforting them by promising they would not be left alone, without any help.
Vs 19 Jesus, looking forward tells them that soon the world will no longer see Him, but because He will live, they will also live and know that He is in the Father, and they are in Him. What day was Jesus looking forward to?
The Resurrection and the Ascension. The final undeniable proof of who He was and of who they are in their relationship to Him.
Vs. 22 Judas then asks Jesus how he would be seen of the apostles but not of the world. What was Jesus’ answer?
Whoever loves Him, will keep His Word, the Father then will love that person and that both the Father and the Son will make their home with him.
This would be possible through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
Vs 25-31 Jesus Gives His Peace
Vs. 25-26 Jesus returns to the promise of the Comforter to reassure the disciples that the question that cannot be answered now, will answered soon through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
What words did Jesus use to explain how this would happen?
First, The Holy Spirit would teach them all things (the things not yet completed.) Secondly, He would give the disciples the ability to remember the words of Jesus. This is both a promise of inspiration in the writing of the New Testament and a promise to all believers of the Holy Spirits guidance in understanding scripture.
Jesus then promises them the gift of peace, making a distinction between His peace and the world’s. What is different about the peace that Jesus gives and the peace the world gives?
The world’s peace is temporary, superficial, and inadequate. Jesus’ peace is eternal, deep, and fulfilling.
Vs. 28-29 This is Jesus’ summary of what was said in the upper room. What is overall truth Jesus wanted the disciples to know and remember?
That He was going away, but that He would come again to them. That they should rejoice because of all that will now take place.
Vss. 30-31 What did Jesus mean when He said, “The prince of this world comes and has nothing in me?”
It refers to the soon coming betrayal of Judas, driven by Satan and the truth that Satan has nothing to lay claim on in Jesus because he was sinless and nothing that they have in common, they are diametrically opposed.
The last phrase in John 14:31 is “Arise, let us go hence.” What does this mean when it comes to the location of the rest of the upper room discourse?
It was taught as they went from the upper room to the mount of olives and the Garden of Gethsemane.
What prevents us from rejoicing in tribulation, loss or difficulties encountered when serving Jesus?
Often the same things that prevented the apostles from seeing and rejoicing at what Jesus was doing. Our own lack of faith, lack of understanding and lack of selflessness.
How can these be deficiencies be overcome?
Also like the apostles, usually only by time spent with Jesus and experience in life and we walk with Him.
Much like the apostles, we are sent by Jesus to carry the Gospel, Yet often we don’t fully comprehend what Jesus is doing in our life and times. Like the apostles we understandably don’t rejoice in tribulation, loss or difficulties encountered while serving Jesus. We need to recognize our weak faith, our lack of understanding and our limited perspective of what God is doing, and then ask God to move us past these to a greater, closer relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
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