Defending the Faith Combating the Cults - Freemasonry
Lesson 4 Free Masonry
A. History
and Founding
Modern Freemasonry
evolved from the stone masons and cathedral builder guilds of the
Middle Ages. As cathedral building
dwindled guild membership was opened to non-masons.
The 1st Grand
Lodge was formed in 1717 at Apple Tree Tavern in England, it was an association of
four older lodges.
Masons, themselves, claim a mythical, fictitious, history going all the way back to the Egyptian pyramids and the
building of Solomon's Temple.
Albert Pike was a Freemason, who had been an explorer and an officer in the Confederate Army. He wrote
the book “Morals and Dogmas” in 1871. This book established the Scottish Rite.
It was reprinted in 1948 and is still the standard description of the 32
degrees of the Scottish Rite.
Shiners is a auxiliary of Master Masons, which reaches out
to the community through the financing of hospitals especially for children
with burns and birth defects.
B. The Degrees of Freemasonry
1. The Blue Degrees 1-3
2. Lodge of Perfection 4-14
3. Chapter of Rose Croix 15-18
4. Council of Kadesh 1-30
5. Consistory 31-32
6. 33rd degree is honor given for life long work.
C. Doctrines of Freemasonry
1. God, The Great Architect of the Universe
A Supreme Being who accepts worship
from all pagan, animist, Hindu, Jew or Christian.
"Each of us makes application
to his own faith and creed, as seems to him proper -pg. 276 Morals and Dogmas
Pike named all these deities in
Moral and Dogmas as equal or the same being.
Reason, Isis, Brahma, Soul of the World, Osiris, Ormuzd.
"He creates nothing, but
everything emanates from Him, and all other gods are but his
manifestation." pg. 281 M & D.
2. The Symbol of Freemasonry
The Letter G
Pike says it should be Yod the Hebrew letter that begins
"Adam is the human Tetragram, which is summed up in the
mysterious Yod of the Kabbalah, image of the Kabalistic Phallus. Add to this Yod the ternary name of Eve and
you form the name of Jehovah."
Square and compass. "The square is an instrument,
adapted from the plane surface only, and therefore appropriate to Geometry, or
measurement of the Earth which appears to be a plane. The compass is an
instrument that has relation to spheres and is adapted to spherical
trigonometry.. The compass therefore is a natural symbol of heaven."
"The compass is the Hermetic symbol of Creative deity,
and the square of the productive earth or Universe."
In other words... God is the creative force, not a personal
God but an energy of creation, within this force is both male and female,
compass and square, their perversion of Yahweh and other phallic, pagan worship
3. Christ
"In the beginning was the
Word, and Word was near to God and the Word was God." The Word came into existence and was and this
word was near to God ie. the immediate or first emanation from God. pg. 280 M& D
His other names are Krishna, Kount-tse,
Gosiah, Har-Ori, Love, Balder, Buddha
The name of Jesus is forbidden in
Masonic lodge and is removed from Masonic Temple Bibles.
"When a brother reveals any of
our great secrets... or even whenever a minister prays in the name of Christ in
any of our assemblies, you must... if called upon, to cut his throat from ear
to ear, pull our his tongue by the roots and bury his body at the bottom of
some lake or pond." Pg. 74 Masonic
Conclusion, Jesus is not God or
equal to God. He is a created being and
only a great teacher. He is equal not
superior to all leaders of world religions.
4. Salvation
It is without Christ, "If we
with suitable true devotion maintain our Masonic profession, our faith will
become a beam of light and bring us to those blessed mansions where we shall be
eternally happy with God, the Great Architect of the Universe." The General Ahiman Rezon, 79.
It is without faith. "The
dunces who led primitive Christianity astray by substituting faith for
science... have succeeded in shrouding in darkness the ancient discoveries of
the human mind; so that we now grope in the dark to find the key of the
phenomena of nature." pg. 732 M
& D.
5. Judgment
"The third apartment
represents the consequences of sin and vice, and the hell made of the human
heart by its fiery passion. If any see
in it also a type of Hades of the Greeks, the Gehenna of the Hebrews, the
Tartaurus of the Romans or the Hell of the Christians, or only of the agonies
of remorse and the tortures of an upbraiding conscience, it is the right of
each to do so." pg. 289 M & D.
6. Revelation
"The world was his revelation,
God revealed, and subsisted only in Him.
His attributes were there produced with various modifications and in
different degrees." pg. 286 M &
"Beautifully, above the great
wide chaos of human errors, shines the calm, clear light of natural human
religion, revealing to us God or the Infinite Parent of all, perfectly
powerful, wise, just loving and perfectly holy too. Beautiful around stretches off every way the
Universe, the Great Bible of God, Material Nature is the Old Testament and
Human Nature is the New Testament of The Infinite God."
Freemasonry Comparison
Cult Belief
Word of God
God is the Great Spirit, the
Architect of the universe. All men are
free to worship him as they see fit.
Elements of paganism.-
God is the creator of the universe and is the God
of the Bible. The only worship He accepts is that which He has defined.
Jesus Christ
A Teacher and prophet
only. Equal to other great teaches
such as Mohamed, Moses or Krishna
Jesus, is the Son of God, very God
of very God. God in the Flesh, co-equal to the Father
Morality and works. Seeking after a greater truth or light.
Salvation is by grace through
faith, not by works.
Only a "hell" of
the human conscience.
Hell is a literal place of eternal
Nature through a Mystic
search for truth. Always evolving always
Revelation is directly from God,
preserved in His Word the Bible.
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