The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Book of John

The Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Book of John

By Pastor Kris Minefee

John 19 The Crucifixion of Christ

Jesus upon the cross John 19:16-30
Why do you think the description of the method of crucifixion has so few details?
It was a well know and ancient means of death.

Why did Pilate write “King of the Jews” for Jesus accusation?
In order to spite the ruling Jews and perhaps to appease in some way his own conscience.

Why did Jesus tell Mary, “Behold thy son” and John, “behold, thy mother.”
Jesus as the first born son was responsible for the care of his mother since her husband was dead.   This was the fulfillment of that responsibility.

How did Jesus fulfill scripture by saying, “I thirst.”
They brought him vinegar to drink as prophecy said they would.

What is the physical and spiritual application of the water and blood flowing from Christ’s side?
Physically, it shows he was truly dead.  The blood and water signified a burst heart.  Spiritually, it showed a washing of the blood from sin and of water the word or God.

What prophesies are fulfilled in this passage?
Psalms 22:7-8, 17-18; 34:20; Zech 12:10

What is significant about Nicodemus coming with Joseph to claim the body of Christ?
He had believed in Jesus, and was now no longer ashamed or afraid.

Vs. 40 How does this verse compare or contrast to the “shroud of Turin?”
The scriptures plainly say in several places he was wound in linen clothes (plural).  The shroud is one piece of cloth folded around a crucified man.

The Day Christ Was Crucified.

The Jewish "day" starts at sunset, a Roman "day," started at midnight like ours today.

The Israelites used the Roman count of four watches during the night.  These began at approximately 9:30 PM, 12:00 midnight, 2:30 AM (the cockcrow watch), and 5 AM.  Starting at sunrise they divided the day into "hours."  Thus when they said that something happened at the 6th hour it was about noon or 6 hours after sunrise, not 6 AM like we would say today.

Most scholars agree that John wrote to the Gentiles and would have used their terms for the time of day

Roman time: midnight to midnight
12a  Wed   12a
12a  Thur  12a
12a  Fri      12a
12a     Sat   12a
4th day
sundown to sundown
sundown to sundown
sundown to sundown

Jewish time: sundown to sundown

Comparison of possible days Christ died.

Wednesday Crucifixion

Saturday Nisan 10th
(Weekly Sabbath)
Triumphal Entry( John 12:12)
Inspects the temple but does not cleanse it (Mark 11:11)
Sunday  11th
Curses the fig tree (Mark 11:12-13)
Temple Cleansed (Mark  11:27)
Monday 12th
Fig tree found withered (Mark 11:20)
Olivet Discourse  (Matthew 24)
Tuesday 13th
At Simons House (Mark 14)
Passover Preparation
Wednesday 14th
Day of the Crucifixion and Burial
(Mark 14:17-72 Mark 15:1-47)
Passover eaten early after sundown
Lord’s Supper
In The Garden
Crucifixion & Death
Thursday 15th
High or Holy Sabbath
Matthew 27:62-66
First day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Numbers 28:16-19)
Guard placed
Christ in the Tomb

Friday 16th
In the Tomb
Saturday 17th
In the Tomb until Sunset then Resurrected
Sunday 18th
First Appearances to Disciples early in morning
This provides an exact fulfillment (72 hrs) of Jesus prophecy concerning the prophet Jonah.  Matthew 12:40
Has triumphal entry with people cutting branches and animals working on a Sabbath day. Note Deut 5:14
Why didn’t the women come on Friday to anoint Jesus body?
Why would Jesus wait until Sunday morning to appear?

Thursday Crucifixion

Saturday Nisan 9th
(Weekly Sabbath)
Resting in Bethany at Martha’s home
Sunday 10th
Triumphal Entry
Monday  11th
Temple Cleansed
Tuesday  12th
Olivet Discourse
Wednesday  13th
Anointed (evening)
Passover Preparation (next morning)
Thursday 14th
Day of the Crucifixion and Burial
Passover eaten early (right after sundown)
Lord’s Supper instituted; prayer in The Garden.
Arrested, then trials begin (late at night) last into morning
Crucified, dies around 3 pm with the killing of the Paschal lambs
Buried just before sundown (same day)
Friday 15th
High or Holy Sabbath
Feast of Unleavened Bread Begins
In the Tomb
Saturday 16th Weekly Sabbath
In the Tomb 
Sunday 17th

Resurrection early in the morning as it dawns toward the first day of the week.
Women arrive to anoint the body (Matt. 28:1) Sabbath is plural in Textus Receptus
Earthquake, stone removed
First Appearances to Disciples
Met with Disciples on Emmaus Road (Luke 24:13)
Puts Triumphal Entry on Sunday rather than Sabbath.
Lacks a full 72 hours in the grave, but note Acts 10:40
Double Sabbaths explains why women waited to anoint the body.
Reconciles with Luke 24:21 (see chart below)

 Friday Crucifixion

Saturday Nisan 9th
Weekly Sabbath

Sunday 10th
Triumphal Entry
Monday 11th
Temple Cleansed
Tuesday  12th
Olivet Discourse
Wednesday 13th
Day of Silence
Thursday 14th
Passover Preparation Passover eaten early
Lord’s Supper
In The Garden

Friday  15th
Day of the Crucifixion and Burial
Trials, Crucifixion, Burial
Saturday 16th
Weekly Sabbath & High or Holy Sabbath
In the Tomb 
Sunday  17th
First Appearances to Disciples

Has only 1 ½ days in tomb.
Has to have one day (Wednesday) with nothing happening.
Simplest interpretation of John 19:31

The following is by Lori Eldridge and taken from her website

Nisan 8th:
     Jesus and all his disciples arrive from Jericho on the 8th of Nisan. They probably stayed at Lazarus' house in Bethany for the night after such a long journey. (Matt 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-19:28; John 12:1-2).

Nisan 9th:
     This is the only day in the week that could have been the weekly Sabbath due to all the work being performed on the other days and all the nights Jesus returned to Bethany.

Nisan 10th:
     Jesus spent the night in Bethany. Jesus goes from Bethany to Jerusalem for Triumphal entry (Matt 21:1; Mark 11:1; & Luke 19:28,29).

Nisan 11th:
     Jesus went out of the city to Bethany for the night (Matt 21:17; Mark 11:11) Jesus goes back into the city [Jerusalem] early in the morning and curses the fig tree that is near Bethany (Matt 21:18,19; Mark 11:12).

Nisan 12th
     Jesus spend the night in Bethany (Mark 11:19). Mark indicates that the next morning on the way from Bethany to Jerusalem they saw the fig tree withered on the way back to the Temple (the tree was near Bethany). Mark and Matt differ on when they saw it withered but it is possible one of them didn't see it the night before in the dark.
          Jesus went into the Temple courts (Matt 21:23; Mark 11:20, 21). This is the day all the Pharisees, Sadducees and others tried to trap Jesus into saying things that they could arrest him with. All three gospel accounts are almost word for word on the events of this day. Jesus then gave the Olivet Discourse before leaving the city that afternoon while sitting on the Mount of Olives (Matt 21:23-26:1, Mark 11:20-13:37; Luke 20:1-Luke 21:5).

Nisan 13th
     Around sunset they leave Jerusalem and head for Bethany where they will be eating dinner at Simon's (Matt 26:6; Matt 14:3, John 12:1-8). They obviously spend the night in Bethany. Next day (but same day according to Jewish time) the disciples ask where to prepare the Passover. Jesus tells them where it will be and they go to make preparations in Jerusalem.

Nisan 14th
     Jesus and his disciples are now in Jerusalem eating their Passover shortly after sunset as God had instructed in the Exodus and Leviticus passages on Passover. Jesus retires to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives.
     He prays while his disciples sleep till dark (John 18:3). He is arrested (Matt. 26:20-50; Mark 14:17-46; Luke 22:14-54; John 13:1-18:12). He is tried all through the night and hung on the cross and dies about 3 PM in the afternoon. He is buried before sunset (still the same day) because of the High Holy Day coming on for Passover

(Nisan 15).


          By counting backwards from the day of the crucifixion it is easy to see that several days in a row could not have been the Sabbath. That leaves only one day that could be a Sabbath: Nisan 9. It is also very logical that Jesus would have rested on this day after such a long trip and especially with all the activities of the coming week and especially the 10th which was one of the most important days of his life. If you add seven days onto the Sabbath of the 9th then you get Nisan 16th as the next Sabbath, which would mean there was a High Holy Day Sabbath on the 15th and then the weekly Sabbath on the 16th, i.e., back-to-back Sabbaths right after the crucifixion. Also if the 16th was a Sabbath then that made Nisan 14, the day of the Crucifixion, a Thursday.

Luke 24 tells us that on the first day of the week (Sunday), after Jesus arose, two disciples were walking to Emmaus and were greeted by Jesus, but they didn't recognize him. They told him what had recently happened to their Savior and that it had been "the third day since all this took place." This probably occurred in the afternoon because shortly after this they are eating dinner in Emmaus (Luke 24:21-29).

          The following chart is provided so you can count backwards from Sunday to see which day fits the 3 day requirement.

          S = Sunset (beginning of the Jewish "day")
          D = Dawn (approx. time of resurrection )
          3 = 3 PM (approx. time of crucifixion)
S - - -  D -- - 3-
S - - -  D -- - 3-
S - - -  D -- - 3-
S - - -  D -- - 3-
S - - -  D -- - 3-
   Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Day 0

          If you count backwards from Sunday, before dawn, to Wednesday 3 PM, you get four nights and four days. If you count backwards to Friday you only get two nights and two days. Thursday is the only combination that produces three days and three nights.

John 20 –21 The Resurrection of Christ

Peter and John see the empty tomb John 20:3-8
Who is “that other disciple?”
John refers to himself this way.

The three words for see or saw in these verses are different words in the Greek.
blepei: Vs. 5 A mere partial viewing of the burial spot form the entrance to the tomb.
theorei: Vs. 6 beholding something, looking close, examining it.
eiden: Vs. 8  perceiving to the point of belief.

Does the description of the grave clothes fit the description of the “Shroud of Turin?”
Not at all.  These are in two pieces wound about the body.  The “Shroud” is one piece folded once and laid from the head down to the feet.

Vs. 11-18  Why doesn’t Mary react to the angels or recognize Jesus when he first speaks to her?
Shock and deep grief prevent her from seeing what would be obvious in a normal situation.

What finally causes Mary to recognize Jesus?
He calls her name.

Explain why Jesus told Mary, “touch me not?”
Literally, the phrase means “don’t cling to me.”  Jesus was not going to continue living on the earth.  His relationship with Mary and the other disciples would not involve his physical presence.

Vs. 19-31 Jesus appears before the disciples.
Why did Jesus breath on the disciples?
He gave them the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as he had promised in John 14:17.

What authority did Jesus give them?
The authority to forgive or retain the sins of others.

How is this authority administered?
Through the gospel, which is given to all conditionally.  If they accept the gospel their sins are forgiven if they reject it their sins remain.

Thomas was absent at the first appearance and did not accept the testimony of the others.  When Jesus appeared the second time, what was Thomas reaction?
Faith, even without having to touch the scars.  His statement, “My Lord and My God” is one of the strongest and plainest in scripture.

Vs. 29 What does Jesus say about faith and signs after Thomas’ confession?
Those who believe without seeing are blessed.  A greater faith and therefore a greater blessing for those who could not see Jesus.

Vs. 30-31 What is the purpose of John only recording the certain miracles of Jesus?
To cause belief without seeing to those who followed.


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