Bible Boot Camp Lesson 5
Communications: Prayer
Taught by the Teacher Luke 11:1-4
Luke 11:1. And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.
you ever placed yourself among the disciples that asked this question? What an opportunity, to ask Jesus the best
way to pray! If anyone would know how to
reach the Father it would be the only begotten son, Jesus Christ.
We were
not there in person to ask the Master to teach us to pray but thanks to the
Holy Spirit's work through Luke and the other gospel writers we can still learn
the same lessons about prayer Jesus taught his first disciples. And there is nothing lost in the
translation, either, God's word is as pure and right in the Bible you hold as
it was in the ears of those who listened to Him almost 2000 years ago.
So, are
you willing to learn from Jesus Himself?
Are you willing to listen with an open mind and open heart as the Holy
Spirit reshapes our conceptions of prayer and deepens the relationship between
God and his people through prayer.
Platform for Prayer
Luke 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our
Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done, as in heaven, so in earth. 3 Give
us day by day our daily bread. 4 And
forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And
lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
begin by looking at the model for prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples.
Technically, this is not the Lord's prayer. He did not pray it to His Father.
The Lord's Prayer is really found in John 17,
when Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. This prayer is really a platform
or framework upon which we should build our own personal prayers. It is very simple in construction, as any
framework should be. It leaves room for
us to raise up our own places of prayer where can we meet with God.
Relation: To the Father from His Child
Our Father which art in heaven
Look at
the beginning of the prayer. What is the
first thing you notice, Who is the prayer to?
The prayer is to Our Father in Heaven.
Jesus used a child's word for father, equivalent to our
"daddy" it is the same word used in Romans
8:15 "Abba, Father".
What does this tell us about the relationship of those
who pray?
They must be children of God, they must be saved. It also tells us that in prayer we are to
understand God as our Father, a very personal, intimate relationship.
So, how do you think of God when you approach Him in
Do your prayers reflect an understanding of who God is
to you? Do they have warmth and intimacy
or do they sound somewhat distant or routine?
Would you talk to your earthly father in the same way
you pray to your Heavenly Father?
What are some ways in which my prayers should change
and deepen along with my understanding of God as my Father?
Adoration: Praise before Petition
Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
next phrase brings us another portion of the platform upon which to build, yet
it is often the most undeveloped part of modern prayer.
in his model prayer said, "Hallowed be Thy name." What does this mean?
word "Hallowed" is the verb form of the word holy. In the case of the model prayer is an
acknowledgment of the holiness, the sanctity of God's name and thereby God
Himself. The phrase in this abbreviated
model is a place for worship and praise to the One we are praying to.
In our
own house of prayer this room is often absent or very empty. We are so eager or programmed to ask things from God in prayer that we neglect time
spent with God in prayer. To praise God during our prayer is to honor
Him, commune with Him, and render to Him what is due as the Creator of the
Universe and the only one who can intervene in time and space to help us.
Let's look at some examples of prayers from the great
men of the Bible and mark how their prayers are filled with praise and worship.
David - Psalms 86:1.
Daniel - Daniel 9:3-7
Peter and the early church - Acts 4:23-31
Submission: to God's Rule and Will
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
next part of the model prayer deals with submission. Jesus constructed it in two sections, God's
Kingdom and God's Will.
kingdom come" had a very real and obvious meaning to the disciples of
Jesus. The prophets had promised a kingdom of God ruled by the Messiah. God's
kingdom was first and foremost that promised kingdom. It was not established
yet or Jesus would not have told them to pray for it to come. It was however;
on it's way and would someday be established over all the earth with Jesus
Christ as King. This petition would fill the Roman dominated Israelite with
hope as he endured the rule of another. For us this is a place of both petition
for a future reality and a present attitude.
When I
pray is there a place in my prayer for the return of Jesus to establish his
kingdom? Is there an attitude of hope that permeates my prayer because I look
for this to happen? Do I realize that no matter how difficult it may be now,
under the rule of Satan in this world, that someday Jesus will reign and all
will be right?
Jesus told the disciples to pray, "Thy will be done, in earth as it is in
heaven." "In heaven" is the qualifying statement for describing
how God's will was to be done. In heaven, uncountable armies of angels carry
out God’s will instantaneously. Since angels aren't earthly creatures, who is
to do God's will here?
If I add this room to my prayers, how will it change my prayers? How will it change my life?
Recognition: Of God's Power for Daily Life
Give us day by day our daily bread.
next phrase asks God for daily bread.
Certainly this includes our food which ultimately comes from God, but
within the framework of this model prayer it goes much further.
was the "staff of life." It
was the most important part of the Middle Eastern diet. Meat, fresh vegetables and fruit were
luxuries at most tables, but bread meant they would live another day.
bread" to us then is that which is necessary to sustain our lives each
day. It means we stand upon the promises
of God to care for his children and provide for their needs. It does not presume upon tomorrow except to
believe that God will as always provide for us once we are there.
room is not a license to ask for the luxuries of life, it is an affirmation
of God's promise for the necessities of life.
It is praying from faith not want. It is recognizing that it is
God who must supply life itself.
It is the realization that but for God I would not draw another
breath or my heart go on one more beat.
Look at
the following verses in which God gave the first daily bread to his people of
the Exodus.
Exodus 16:15-20
Deuteronomy 8:3
What was the lesson of the manna to the Israelites?
What is the lesson of the manna to us? (Notice what
Moses said in Deut 8:3.)
Reconciliation: Repentance toward God and Forgiveness of Others
And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.
Jesus instructs that each prayer should have a place in which forgiveness is
asked from God and because of that forgiveness we also forgive those who have
sinned against us.
few prayers omit asking for forgiveness but few include granting it. It should be noted that forgiveness is given
by God based upon what Jesus has done.
No work or righteousness which we do can has redeeming merit from
God. Yet we must not ignore the fact
that these two acts of forgiveness are tied together. It should be impossible to us, who have been
forgiven all our sin through Jesus Christ, to be unable to forgive someone else
a hurt or an offense.
Read the following parable by Christ.
Matthew 18:23-35
What is the lesson to be
learned from this parable?
After I
have experience the new birth, forgiveness from God may be hindered if I cannot
forgive others. It is sinful to harbor
feelings of resentment and bitterness toward another when God willing forgave
me and made me his child. What offense
could be greater than my rebellion against God that caused His own Son to die
on the cross?
Humiliation: a Cry for Deliverance
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
final phrase that the disciples were instructed to pray dealt with temptation
and deliverance from that temptation.
The word temptation can mean both temptation to sin and a testing. Indeed a temptation to sin is a test of a
moral kind. Jesus is not however saying
that God tempts man to sin. Read James 1:13 James plain shows that God does not
tempt the way Satan tempts.
The model prayer expresses an
attitude; it began in petitioning God for His kingdom to come and proceeds with
our submission to his will. Now within
that submission to whatever God brings into our life, we turn to the One into
whose hand our entire being has been placed and ask Him to remember that we are
human and dependent upon Him.
“Lord, Keep us from
temptation for we are weak, and easily swayed.”
This room in the prayer is one of humility that is entered from the
previous room of submission to God.
believe Paul is operating in this attitude when he wrote
1 Cor. 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such
as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to
escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].
What is the way of escape? (Read John 14:6)
Please notice Jesus words in John 14:6 "Jesus saith
unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,
but by me." Temptation is not avoided by looking for another door or path
to take around it, it is overcome by The Way just as salvation was in Him so
all of our spiritual battles must be overcome through and only through Him.
humility my prayer is a sham. I must
recognize that I am incapable of anything unless God intervenes to keep me from
evil. Humility is not weakness, it fact
true humility is the key to real strength.
For God's strength is not given to the proud but only to the lowly. His strength is mine when I realize my own weakness.
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