Monday, December 30, 2024

Behold He Comes! Rev 1:9-20


Behold He Comes! Revelation 1:9-20


The word translated “revelation” simply means “unveiling.” John’s book is primarily the unveiling, the revealing of Jesus Christ’s coming as King of this world. It is not meant to be the revelation of future events. Jesus is the subject of the book.

Outline:  In Revelation 1–3, Christ is seen as the exalted Priest-King ministering to the churches. In Revelation 4–5, He is seen in heaven as the glorified Lamb of God, reigning on the throne. In Revelation 6–18, Christ is the Judge of all the earth; and in Revelation 19, He returns to earth as the conquering King of kings. The book closes with the heavenly Bridegroom ushering His bride, the church, into the glorious heavenly city. Revelation has been called the Epistle of Jesus to the churches. The last book written by the last living apostle is meant to encourage believers because “Behold, He Comes!

Last week in our Christmas service we looked at the birth of Jesus, His first coming, His first revealing to mankind. Now we know that because Jesus is eternal, He has always been here and in that sense there can be no first or second coming, but in the sense of history, or the plan of God for salvation, Jesus came and took on human flesh and was born of Mary. This is the first coming or if you want to get fancy His first Advent. And if you have been reading your Bible using the church Chronological reading plan then you are finishing up the book of Revelation which is about Jesus’ second coming or second advent. There have also been other appearances of Jesus to the apostles, like Paul on the Damascus road or as we are going to look at today, to John on the isle of Patmos. Jesus came to them at crucial, critical times in their lives and they were changed after Jesus came to them. Let’s go to Revelation chapter 1 and look at Jesus Coming to John and then draw some applications for our own crucial times of life when we need Jesus to come to us.

When Jesus Comes - Revelation 1:9-10

I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

Jesus Comes to John

First, I want you to notice John, who Jesus came to that day on the barren rocky island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. John identifies himself to the churches in verse 9. He says, I am your brother. This means he was a member with them of the family of God. This was not just a name or title but the person he was through his new birth and the way that he lived and acted in relationship and in the shared experiences of the other believers. He shared the cares, joys, victories and defeats of those who had also named the name of Christ and now shared the hope and rewards of his coming.

He says he was their companion in tribulation. As you read the letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3, you realize how harsh was the life of a Christian towards the end of the first century. Instead of the Jews persecuting the church, it was the power and might of the Roman empire. The mad emoporer Nero had begun to persecute the Christians in Rome around 65 AD, blaming them for the great fire which had devastated Rome. A few years after Nero, the emperor Domitian expanded the persecution to all the regions of Romes empire. Many believe that it was Domitian who exiled John to die on Patmos around A.D. 95. Which is when John would have written the book of the ἀποκάλυψις apokalypsis, which is the Greek for Revelation.

He was the last living apostle it has been over 60 years since he last saw Jesus. In that time all of his fellow apostles had been killed by torture, his own brother James being the first. Thousands of believers have died at the hands of the Jerusalem Jews and now the power of Rome. And now here sits John aged, tortured and surely feeling lost and alone, being cut off from all Christian fellowship. Truly he was their companion in persecution.  

But he was also their companion in the kingdom. Isn’t that an encouraging  phrase? John knew that the kingdom of Rome was not the kingdom that mattered. The kingdom that he and the believers were citizens of was eternal and all the power of Rome could not resist the power of the coming Kingdom of Christ. He was not looking for an earthly kingdom but for the kingdom where he and the church would rule and reign with Jesus for all eternity.

And finally, he was their companion in the patience of Jesus Christ

Interesting phrase.  What does it mean to be a companion in the patience of Jesus Christ? It was the power that made endurance through tribulation possible, and the truth of the coming kingdom a reality to John. The patience, the endurance, to know that all things would happen in God’s time and according to God’s will. That is the incredible power, which empowered John the last apostle, in his last days on earth.

One final thing to not, as John says, “He was in the Spirit on The Lord’s Day.”

In other words he was worshipping God, on Sunday the day which honors the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The only day of worship that does Him that honor.

When will Jesus Come To Us?

I believe it is at those same times and for the same reasons as it was for John. No it won’t be in the same way, you won’t hear a voice like a trumpet nor see an actual manifestation of the Lord as you turn around. But Jesus does come.

First, he comes to those that are His own. He comes to his brothers and sisters in faith.

He comes when we are hurting, when we are struggling, when we are at the end of our strength.

He comes when we remember that we are not citizens of this world. We are just passing through; our treasure is laid up somewhere beyond the blue. We are citizens of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and this world and all its pain and sorrow will be overwhelmed when He comes to rule and reign.

He comes because we have the patience and the endurance to keep holding on, no matter the circumstances of what we are going through.

And you better believe He comes when you come to church on Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday night. Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss the service where Jesus shows up on Sunday. Jesus comes when we like John are in the spirit on the Lord’s Day and in the Lord’s house.

And do you know how the Lord comes to us? Well, we are doing it right now, reading the word of God, the epistle of Jesus Christ and we along we John are hearing and seeing Jesus. Behold, He Comes to us through the miracle of the scripture. Revealed, written and preserved without error by the Spirit of God.

What Is Seen When Jesus Comes – Revelation 1:11

11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.

What John Saw and Heard When Jesus Came

He heard the voice of Jesus like “a great voice of a trumpet.” Gone was the mild teacher sitting in a synagogue teaching quietly, now there was a voice as loud as a symphony declaring that He was Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

He heard Jesus give him a commission, “What thou seest write in a book and send it unto the seven churches.”

He then turned and saw the one whose voice was echoing across the island of Patmos. He saw and Heard Jesus as King and High Priest of All

Revelation 1:12-16 And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 -- His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

In the midst of seven golden candlesticks, these were lampstands, not candles as we know them today, and He sees One who resembles the Son of man. He sees Jesus and he uses Jesus favorite title for himself taking from the book of Daniel, “the son of man.” And Jesus stands in the midst of the seven churches, John is commissioned to write to.

He sees that Jesus is no clothed with a garment down to the foot, wrapped up to his chest with a golden sash. His head and hair white like wool, white as snow. He eyes were flames of fire, burning in their intensity. His feet were like refined bronze, glowing as though had just come from the purifying furnace. And once more John tries to help us understand the power of Jesus’ voice. He says it was like the sound of a cascading, crashing, deafening waterfall, shutting out all other sound but what Jesus was saying.

John goes on and says, In his right hand he holds seven stars and out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword.

Finally Jesus now has the appearance literally of what He once said about himself figuratively. He now truly is light, so bright John says it is like the brightest sun on a cloudless day at it greatest height in the sky.

All these things speak of Jesus’ righteousness, his power, his holiness, his judgment, his sovereignty and his glory. Jesus came, magnified in power, clothed in righteousness, and radiant in glory. Jesus came to proclaim who He was and to claim what was rightfully his. Jesus shining like the sun and holding life and death in the utterance of a single word, like a sword proceeding from his mouth.

This is the Jesus in His glory not his humiliation and it is this how Jesus came to John that dark, lonely, broken day on the rocks of Patmos.

What will you see when Jesus Comes to you?

If you only see Jesus as a storybook character. If you only see Jesus the philosopher, the teacher, or the great example for mankind, then let me tell you, you haven’t seen Jesus at all. Nor will you see the Jesus you need to see, Jesus as Savior of your soul, Jesus as Lord, Jesus as King, Jesus as friend and brother.

Some who think they are Christians haven’t really seen Jesus as Savior and Lord in their life. Let me tell you a story.

At the University of Chicago Divinity School each year they have what is called "Baptist Day." On this day each one is to bring a lunch to be eaten outdoors in a grassy picnic area. Every Baptist Day the school would invite one of the greatest minds to lecture in the theological education center.

One year they invited Dr. Paul Tillich. Dr.Tillich spoke for two and one-half hours proving that the resurrection of Jesus was false. He quoted scholar after scholar and book after book. He concluded that since there was no such thing as the historical resurrection, the religious tradition of the church was groundless, emotional mumbo-jumbo, because it was based on a relationship with a risen Jesus, who, in fact, never rose from the dead in any literal sense.

He then asked if there were any questions. After about 30 seconds, an old, dark skinned preacher with a head of short-cropped, woolly white hair stood up in the back of the auditorium. "Docta Tillich, I got one question," he said, as all eyes turned toward. He reached into his sack lunch and pulled out an apple and began eating it. "Docta Tillich" . . . CRUNCH, MUNCH. "My question is a simple question." CRUNCH, MUNCH . . ."Now, I ain't never read them books you read . . . CRUNCH, MUNCH, and I can't recite the Scriptures in the original Greek. I don't know nothin about Niebuhr and Heidegger." . . . CRUNCH, MUNCH . . . He finished the apple. "All I wanna know is: This apple I just ate - was it bitter or sweet?"

Dr. Tillich paused for a moment and answered in exemplary scholarly fashion, "I cannot possibly answer that question, for I haven't tasted your apple." The white-haired preacher dropped the core of his apple into his crumpled paper bag, looked up at Dr. Tillich and said calmly, "Neither have you tasted my Jesus."

The 1,000 plus in attendance could not contain themselves. The auditorium erupted with applause and cheers. Dr. Tillich thanked his audience and promptly left the platform.

That old white-haired preacher had truly seen Jesus in his life, while the so-called scholar had not. I wonder how many of us are like the preacher and how many might be like the scholar?

Will we seen this Jesus come to us?

Even many Christians, saved by faith in Jesus, won’t see Jesus as He is now and as they need Him to be in the critical times of life. They won’t see Him this way because they have not obedient to His word, not patient in tribulation, not dedicated to worshipping Him in His church.

But if we begin to long for the kind of relationship with Jesus that John had, when we desire to walk with him, sup with him, suffer with Him, then we will begin to see Jesus as He came to John.  I don’t want a Jesus that I can hang like a poster on my wall, I want Jesus who dwells in my heart and comforts me in my sorrow.

For this to be true, then I must do as John did,  I must turn to face Him. I must open my eyes to the brightness of His holiness. I behold Him in his fiery hatred of sin. I must be swept away by His voice like a crashing waterfall so I no longer hear the world. I must be blinded by His glory that I no longer can see the world.

When Jesus came to others.

I can learn so much about Jesus coming to me from the times I read about in the Bible that He came to others. Like blind Bartimaeus on the Jericho Road we must cry out no matter who tells us to be quiet. Like Moses on Mt Sinai, be are willing to walk seek out fire that is burning in the wilderness. And like John on Patmos, when I’ve suffered, been broken, been emptied of myself, then Jesus will come.

I know one day at the end of my life, I will see Him face to face, but there are many time before then end of my life that I need Jesus to come when I’m at the end of my strength, my dreams, my youth, my confidence, the end of myself. And can I tell you I’ve been there many times and Jesus has never failed to come.

What Happens When Jesus Comes – Revelation 1:17-20

17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Jesus Comes and John is Changed

John is at the end of his life, the end of his ministry, the end of his strength, but then Jesus comes and John is changed.

When Jesus comes, John fell at his feet as dead, then Jesus laid his hand upon him and said, “Fear not.  I am the first and the last. I am he that lives and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore. I have the keys of hell and death.”

John collapses when Jesus appears, like Isaiah before him, he is undone in the overwhelming presence of Jesus in His glory. John falls like a dead man and Jesus reaches out and lays his right hand on His beloved disciple.

John is emptied out but with that touch, Jesus fills him with His power and he  takes up the greatest task that was ever given to him. He must now tell of this revelation, this unveiling, the apocalypse of the returning King.

In the greeting of the letter John wrote to those persecuted, suffering church, Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

At this point in his life, that Jesus is the Jesus John needs to come to him.

How Will We be changed when Jesus comes to us?

When I read this account of Jesus coming to John I think there are many things that should apply to us when Jesus comes. Whether it be hearing His vice in the Gospels or feeling His touch in our worship service.

I think that falling at His feet, speaks of worshipping him and also of total dependance on Christ for life and for the strength to serve Him.

The touch of Jesus will be gentle and yet the most powerful touch you have ever experienced. It will sweep softly through your heart as light as a melody and yet have the power to move you to the greatest service you have been called to do.

His voice will calm your fears with the assurance of who He is, The alpha and omega, the first and last. The one who has conquered life and even death and who even now stands victorious for all eternity.

When Jesus comes to us, we will be moved to do greater things than we have done before.

When Jesus Came to His Own

When Jesus came to Moses in the burning bush and then on Mt Sinai, he was empowered to lead a nation of millions across the wilderness and into the promised land.  When He came to Isaiah, high and lifted up in the Temple, Isaiah wrote the with the mind of God, the book that carries his name. He came to Daniel as he stood in the lion’s den and in the vision of the Ancient Of Days and in his old age recorded the vision that would be completed by John in the book of Revelation. Jesus come to John unveiled and John saw him in all his glory and power and he knew as Paul, who Jesus came to on the Damascus road, and later wrote, Romans 8:16-19 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. 18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God!

And so we also will be changed in those times when I most need Him, Jesus will comes and we will know how wonderful He truly is.

Conclusion: Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.


Monday, December 23, 2024

The Wise Seek A Savior: Matthew 2


The Wise Seek A Savior: Matthew 2


Approximately, in the Jewish year 3755  and the Roman year 750, and in the Gregorian year of 5 BC, history restarted. Just as all those calendars started based on great events, our modern calendar started based on one great event. The Jewish calendar started at the creation of the world, the Roman calendar started at the beginning of Rome, and our modern calendar started when Jesus the Son of God was born in Bethlehem. And history, our history was restarted.

From the birth of Jesus, everything was before His birth or after His birth. Today the world has tried to get away from BC (before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord) by replacing it with BCE (before the common era) and CE (common era) but the error in using era to erase from history the birth of Christ is that BCE still ended with His birth and CE started with His birth. History restarted.

They can deny and detest this but none can ignore that everything changed when Jesus was born. Those who were living when this event took place didn’t realize that history had restarted or how important was the birth of a poor child in a poor country but there were some and they are the focus of our sermon today. We find these selections few in the second chapter of Matthew and we call them “wise men.”

 Seeing the Star - Matthew 2:1-3

1Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

Wise Because They Searched

Who were these wise men? The Greek word Matthew uses is magi. We get our word magic and magician from this word. According to ancient sources the magi were a caste of the Medes which along with the Persians captured the eastern world after defeating the Babylonian Empire. The magi were highly influential scholar, astronomer, astrologers, the scientists in Median- Persia. They had great influence during the prophet Daniel’s time and remained a part of Persian society for centuries after. 

So, why were the magi searching? According to the scripture they had seen a star, a great heavenly event and because they were astronomers and astrologists this unknown, unexpected star had to mark a great event in world history. The star could have been comet, a nova or a conjunction of the planets. Several heavenly events took place between 12 BC and 5 BC which could have been the star they saw, but we are going to see that this star, appeared twice to the magi, once in the east and they began their journey and then again after they arrived at Jerusalem and set out for Bethlehem. And the second time it directed them to the very house where Joseph had moved his young family after the birth of Yeshua, whose name to us is Jesus and means “Jehovah is Salvation.”

I would propose to you that the “star” especially in its second appearance was not a star but was the Shekinah glory of God or another miracle of God’s holy light, shining down upon the world and then upon the savior of the world.

But, what made these wise men set out for Israel when they saw the star of the “one born King of the Jews?” I believe it was because they were familiar with the writings of Daniel, the prophet of God and one of the magi himself, when he was in Persia as a captive from Israel. Daniel recorded a prophecy given him by the angel Gabriel that gave the time when the Messiah of Israel should be looked for. Going backward from that exact date they came to a time that would correspond to the birth of the King. And these wise ones went to Jerusalem.

Wisdom comes only when You Search.

The first thing I want to bring to your attention this morning about wisdom is that it must be searched for, just as the magi knew they had to search in order to understand the mystery of the Star of the King. Proverbs 2:2-4 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;
4 If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

Ecclesiastes 7:25 25 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness:

Now you might say, "Well of course, If I saw a star, or had some great event like that in my life like that then I would also start searching for answers. ”

Life Events That Should Make us Begin to Search. But in reality, in the world we all live in today, we are surrounded with great life changing events and at each of them we should start us searching for answers.

Events like Marriage, the blending of two lives into one.  The realization of our total need upon something greater than ourselves to make these two lives worth living. What an event, what a time to begin searching for answers and seeking God who ordained marriage.

Another great even that should make us all search is The birth of a child. This is a miracle of God's creative power that we can actually hold in our hands! What could be more life changing? What a vital event to seek Jesus.

Or the death of a family member or friend. The departure of a life from this world.  To know someone who has stepped through that door that separates life from death. What a sobering time to seek God.

All those are great events in life but I think that the greatest event in life that should send you searching for a Savior is the hearing of the Gospel.

When you hear that that God did not wait for me to seek Him but that He began the search for me a lost sinner. When you realize that He has not left me to grope in the dark of my sin, but has provided lampposts leading me to the salvation in His word. When I read that I can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil, that would be the greatest event that has or can ever happen in my life.

If you are wise when the great events of your life happen, you also will begin to search for the only One who has the answers to life, death, salvation and eternity.

The wise magi saw a star, this great event and they began to search but they needed more than just an event they also needed to find the map that God had left for them and all those who begin this search. Go to vss 4-6

Searching the Scriptures Matthew 2:4-6

4And when he (Herod) had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 5And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.   

Wise because They Searched Scripture

You know what else marked the magi as wise? The went to God's word for the answer they need. I think they had a copy of the book of Daniel and when they got to Jerusalem they asked the scribes and scholar there for more information and those men searched the Bible and found Micah 5:2.

Micah 5:2  But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. (This was written 700 years before Jesus was born!)

Had they the time they could have searched the scriptures and found other prophecies that foretold not just the birth of the Messiah, the King of the Jews, but also his life, his death, his resurrection and yes, his return as King of all Mankind. These are the light posts, the road signs the God has provided to those who search for the most important answer we must find before we leave this earth and can search no more. Yes, God has GPS, so the lost can find there way home. In case you’re wondering, GPS stands for God Points to the Savior.

Look at just a few of God’s GPS in scripture.

His coming at a set time.  Ge 49:10 Da 9:24,25

His resurrection.  Ps 16:10 Isa 26:19

His crucifixion, his last sayings, his mocking, his garments gambled over Ps 22:1, 7, 8

His betrayed by a friend Ps 41:9 55:12-14

Gall and vinegar being given him to drink Ps 69:21

His being born a virgin, His being called Emmanuel.  Isa 7:14

His being preceded by John the Baptist.  Isa 40:3 Mal 3:1

His being buried with the rich, numbered with the transgressors, interceding for His murderers, and his death Isa 53:9, 12

His glorious entry into Jerusalem. Zec 9:9

His being sold for thirty pieces silver Zec 11:12

His price being given for the potter's field Zec 11:13

All these and over 300 more were given to make sure that anyone who searches will find Jesus and know that the Messiah had came to die for them and that they could have slavition if they would only find and believe in Him.

Scriptures still Points us to Jesus

Are we wise enough to see the signs that point to Jesus today? We can be incredibly dense when it comes to seeing what God has provided, what God has done for us.

There will be many who try to say, "God why didn't you tell me?  But God will say, I provided my word, my church, my pastors, my children to point the way to my Son! Why didn't you listen, why didn't you seek, why didn't you look up from the sin of this world and see the lights I gave to bring you to salvation?

Are all these signs, these sure words of scripture are given that we might believe? As sure as the scriptures that Daniel left and that led the wise man to Bethlehem.  Can we, can you ignore these signs like the scribes did when the magi came searching?

Jesus said, John 3:14-16 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (Moses staff was a sign pointing to Jesus and Jesus lifted up on the cross is a sign pointing us to Salvation through Him.)

Paul said to the Athenians, Acts 17:30 the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

And to the Romans in Romans 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (God has given signs even in the weavings of creation. Signs that point us to Jesus.)

Titanic ignores warnings.

On the night that the so called “unsinkable ship” Titanic struck and iceberg and sank killing 1500 people, warning after warning had been sent telling them they were speeding into a dangerous icefield. But the messages, the lifesaving warnings were ignored. When a nearby ship sent an urgent warning, the Titanic was busy talking to their port at Cape Race about the time chauffeurs were to meet arriving passengers at the dock, and what menus were to be ready for their meals, transportation they would never need and meals they would never eat.  The Titanic was so preoccupied with minutiae, that it responded to the warning by saying: "Shut up. I am talking to Cape Race. You are jamming my signals."

God in his word is sending us warnings, signs that bring us salvation, but many people are responding as the Titanic did that night, “Shut Up, God. You are interrupting the trivia and mundane that I want to 

There is just one more thing I want us to consider that made these men wise and it is the most important. They were wise because of the one they sought.

Seeking the Savior Mat 2:7-12

7Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. 8And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.

9When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.  12And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

Wise Because They Searched and found the Saviour

Look at the actions of the wise men when they had found Jesus.

The Bible says first they rejoiced. It says they came into the house where Jesus was. No longer a stable because this was about 2 years after Jesus had been born, they came into a house not a stable and they found a young child now longer an infant. There they rejoiced, they had found the one born a king, the answer to their long search.

Next scripture tells us they worshipped Him. What else could you do before a king?  Before one whose coming had been foretold over a thousand years ago. Who had been looked for, hoped for and prayed for by a hundred generations of people.  Whose life would be the price paid to bring us back to God. Fall on your knees and worship the King of Salvation.

They also gave him proper gifts. Gifts that were by the providence of God fit for the one who would be King who would give His life to save us. They gave him Gold, which was a  present worthy of a king. They also gave him Frankincense, which was the incense burned in the tabernacle and Temple that symbolized the prayer to God and they have him Myrrh, which was a perfume used in preparing the body for burial.

Jesus the King, Jesus the intercessor and Jesus the sacrifice for our sin.

Notice just one more thing about the magi, the wise men. They were Gentiles not Jews. When the came to Jerusalem and the Jewish scribes looked up the birthplace of the Messiah, the magi went to Bethlehem, which means, the city of bread and there they found Jesus the bread of life but the Jews didn’t go. It was the gentiles who came searching for a savior but those who had the word of God and the Temple of God didn’t even bother to go with them.

These Gentile were the first Gentiles to find and worship Jesus. They were a portend, a sign of the future when we the Gentiles of the world would search and find Jesus as our Savior.

How Wise Then Am I?

When it comes to searching for Jesus, Will I be wise enough to rejoice in His presence? Will I be wise enough worship Him? Will I be wise enough to give gifts worthy of who He is?

The only things I can give to Jesus that are worthy of a King, a Savior and the Son of God is my surrender, my soul and my life.  The surrender of my will and way, the surrender of my sin, the surrender of my own good works given in repentance to Him who is my savior.  My soul given to Him who will safeguard it for all eternity. My life given in service to Him who gave His life on the cross of sacrifice for me. These three gifts, are the only ones I can offer, the only ones worth of the King of Heaven and Earth.

"I gave my life for thee. What hast thou given for me?

Frances Ridley Havergal, was a poet and pastor’s daughter who lived in the mid 1800s. Sick most of her life she died at only 42 years old. During her short life she wrote 100s of hymns, poems and books all praising her Saviour Jesus Christ. Next to Fanny J. Crosby she is probably the most widely known female hymn writer and many of her songs are still sung today.  Songs like Another Year Is Dawning, God Will Take Care of You, The Half Has Never Been Told, I Gave My Life for Thee, Like a River Glorious, Take My Life and Let It Be and Who Is on the Lord’s Side?. She spoke 7 languages including Greek and Hebrew and memorized the entire New Testament, Psalms and book of Isaiah. She was a concert pianist and vocalist. All these talents of her life were her gift to Jesus the King of her life.     

“I Gave My life For Thee” was the first hymn she wrote. She wrote it as a poem before she was even a teenager when she saw a painting called “Ecce Homo (Behold The Man).” A caption on the painting read, "This have I done for thee; what has thou done for Me?" She came across the poem some years later, and thinking poorly of it, threw it into a stove, but was found later before the fire was lit by her father, who persuaded her to rework it and then publish it.

I gave My life for thee, My precious blood I shed,
That thou might ransomed be, and raised up from the dead
I gave, I gave My life for thee, what hast thou given for Me?
I gave, I gave My life for thee, what hast thou given for Me?

And I have brought to thee, down from My home above,
Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love;
I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, what hast thou brought to Me?
I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, what hast thou brought to Me?


This morning ask yourself, am I wise enough to search? Am I wise enough to search in God’s word? And Am I wise enough to bow before the One who is the answer to your search? Will you give yourself as the only gift worthy of the One who gave Himself for you?

What an incredible Christmas this would be if you would do that. Everything from this point forward would be, BC Before Christ and AD After Deliverance through Christ. If you are not living in the AD of your life this morning, end your search at the same place the wise men ended theirs bowing before the Savior.