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Jesus: Creator, Savior, Lord, King -#6 Jesus Surprise Samsons Parents

  #6 Jesus Surprise Samsons Parents Review: Angel of the Lord so far. Garden of Eden, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Gideon Today we are going to look at The Angel of the Lord’s appearance to the parents of the great Samson. It is an interesting story even before we get to Samson himself. In our society today we hear lots of ideas and procedures about how to parent children. The first one I remember when our kids were being born was a book entitled “Baby and Child Care” written by Benjamin Spock in 1946. (When I heard that Spock had written a book I thought it was about Star Trek which I loved as a kid. I was really disappointed when instead of a Vulcan being the author it turned out to be a communist named Benjamin Spock who taught parents it was evil to punish their children. Nor did he even have any children or any pointy ears. Total disappointment. Some believe that Dr. Spock’s book was the single most important reason for the lost generation of the 1960s, hippies, the anti-wa...

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